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C��e Numbcr 64-193 <br />Peti�ioner: t98urica �^,olci�an, 2'92S D@II11 Ba�levAxd, Mi.nneapoli.s <br />S�u:�hr��� �ca�ner of Ri�he�ay 36 snd Sneliing Avenue <br />Approval of planneci develapanent, apeeL�I cxse permit . <br />for building �part�+ents 1� atories, and d�nsity regulatio�a <br />pl��tni�� G����s�c3+�rations <br />At the l�at sp�cial u�eeting of the pianning ca�'•asion the <br />�psci,�l geamit �ffi re�amwanded authoxi�ing the use oi the <br />prarper�y for multi.�le purpa�es. The groperty, ae yuu kn�. <br />is aow �oned B-I. <br />Ttae legel publica�ion for the variance wae cnade f.�r a pa�bl�c <br /> o� �unQ 3 And rhas Ch� thre� quaetimns rcmai.ning on <br />this davelopmont ae abave. <br />�e have �eviewed the px�►t plan ��veraZ tim�e sinca the t�aet <br />�eti�ng �oi�l� the a�plicenC's �r�hitecc �nd feel that c�.th the <br />ad��hne�te that have be�n ma�i� the alot pl�n is reesonabl.e in <br />vi� of the site conditions, eCc. An elCexnatca pian �ia $xplor+ad <br />wh�,ch al�o e�o�ks ��11 excep� thae iC would put more de�relopment <br />(pr�.nci.n.elly parking) in th� far southwest corner wh�re we ars <br />clasee'� �o the existi�g 61r.gYa fa�nnily devela�pm�nC. �*ri�na�ip►elly, <br />for �hie �c�asan c� fsel. �hr�t the p2sn as pxopoe�d �a reaao��ale <br />in ae �uch as building A(w��tsrly -b�a�Id�ng� �.e mcav�d lorvar�� <br />ga a�.ta leave.this eouthwestsrly corner relativ�l�r undavelnped. <br />�he gracie of �his building ana buildf�s ���"�b�� �dr�PP�d �o <br />as to �educe s�riy vieual �l�f�@��:9A the aimgle fam�ly �e�gt�b�rrhot f <br />to the oauth�est. 's'hus; �r� feel the development grvpo�al �ead <br />_ dastgn in ganazal i8 seris�actary. <br />A special use pezmit ia requ�red fo� the appraval o� the buildiag <br />hi.gher than 1� �torie� w�en euch buildinge 8re within I50 feet <br />o� the r� district. Becsuse of the location of the <br />bui�dinge a� ai.reac3y de�c�cib$d, we feel Chat the 2� stori,es htaze <br />will not haee a d�laterious ef�ect oa the �ingle fam3ly dsveiopmeA� <br />�c�d should be appxoved., <br />The net ai�e 8rea (�iChou� publlc rfght•of-way) ie 189,$20 squere <br />feet which �uld a��ow 13.1.66 one bedror�m apartu�ente. The basi� <br />plan prea�n�ed ��ntains 31,2 unita which ie in aonformamce with <br />the density r�qu�r�ments. The egplicaAr ie requttsting, ho�oaver, <br />� vari�ance wh1.cL Wonld r�l�aw �he con�trucCiam of +eight �dditi.onal <br />unita briaging the �ctul to 120o These a�aitiotr�� cmits �ould bs <br />�]istributed by l� 8ix addi�ianal ur�ite i.n bu.�lding A, a�e <br />additional, unit i.n butic3ing B and cme addit�onal anit in bui2ding <br />Be Aacording t� tae plan, iC appeare thet tt� addi�ion of Chese <br />�utits t�uld aot move eny �af the a�ructures closer Co tt�s siagle <br />famii� dietsict, no r��uld it reduce the �rea for <br />