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= .� <br />i�r. N.�waPEi I��h18'r'e�n, <br />Ple,nrtir� Ota� <br />1f'ill�e Q�' �seville <br />D�r i;-. Da2ilgTen� <br />City Plann�� <br />195 �isst Larp�steur <br />St. Psul, ��ata <br />A�uat 3i, 1965 <br />This lettar oanoerns vRo�.ti�g i�he eite oQ � dedicated road on t�endler 5treet <br />betR�ea �Pagner and Glan�ood Ave�ues �n the Villege� of �o�eville. T�is road is border- <br />ed, on t�e 'Ne:st b�r t�he �t� Pau� �Tater l�epartment, on �ha Sout�e�s� b y V�, J. Humber end <br />�. i�. �i�llsae� �n �h.h' Northe8et corner bg n�►ee�f. <br />We preasnt thia reque�t to �rou at �his time becau�� we aacl the ow�.er of t�i�e <br />lattd ad�+e�.nin� ours hope to build our homes withi.n the next yaar, an�i until �hs <br />roa�i is v�eated we� ou�aelvea,� are une�ble to �lsn a home lr�cger thar�. th3rty-five <br />fe�t trid�. �le purchased this lsnd bec�e af the besuty of the area, and our hopes <br />are tc� `build � home in keepir� �ith th�e runtia �an�io Th� Billg�e of Ros�ville <br />1 i mi ta builaifng to thirt;y feet f�eom a prapoaed or completed road, and i� would be <br />�r3.rtual],y i�mpo�siblE to build a good lookinr� home wi.tb,in the no� e�o.sting limita, <br />we �eel. <br />l�g vrife and I c,�se ltosevill� es the place Por our bome becauae it is prime►ri],y <br />� residential 6om�ty of in:dust�i liome-ownera �ith rve�l kept hou►es. �1e chose ou r <br />paxticular eite becauae c�f the beauty oi t�he trees and �the quiet neighborhood. �ie <br />�rould like to add mnother besuti#`ul hom� to thie cammunity, but feel it <br />�rould b;� impossible ta build a home on our. s�teep terrain xithout having a bome at <br />least fifty-five feet wide. <br />� From �1 the evidenae we hav� acquired, it s�ems th�t the St. Pa�.]. water Depart- <br />ment Would not be asa�ss�c1 ea� a�ciditional coet in building the atreet. �y the Vlater <br />Department's imrm�ni�.ty to assessmer�ts by anoth�;.r communit3►, our particular burden is <br />doubled from t�he �ppr�aci�►ate c�st of $3.,200 to �2,404� respectisely� �ince thesr own <br />� of the ].aad acijoining the �ledicated raad� If thP cogt ig ap�roximatel�r �,4� <br />„np�►! aeur� �rou imagi�e whet t2ie c:vat might be five to cen ,years �,rocn na�r if the road <br />�� t�augb? It �vould be an al�et impossibie ta:,k to raiae that muah m�anev and <br />�til�l st� on �aoms type of budget. <br />�fe have talk,�d to seven neighbora in the surroundin� a�c��. �d a1� are in Pav�or <br />of pexmam�nt],y vacatiz^� the street in ax� effor� to keep the aa�e.��. ps quiet and as <br />be�utifu]. as it r�ox :�.s .�P� t�so unr�erstand thi� is th� �sh o� �`t�z�� homeovmers in <br />#,h�e neig�borhood, ..�ho� we hav� not as yet persc�nally �n�ts�cteci. <br />9�e real.ize that in pursihasir,g orar Iot that "b�yers beivare" ��e�3.�� in aZ�. <br />bu�rer�seller relationships and althou�h we could perhaps tur� around �d se11 this <br />lanci to $ome unauspsatin� h�gh-hop�. �.ndividual, Re ar� not the type o�� p�p�e to do <br />that l�i.r�d of ciealing. 7� �e di.d, t�hey xould �ust �o t�rough the wa�owing d�ps of <br />�ra�.ting an�. hoping th� c we are go�.ng t�hrough, �or :C'm sure they would contaat your <br />Oi'�.'1C@ fOP � R8y Oilt of i;heir dilema. <br />�le hope tha�. i.n 2ight �f aur desire to build � be�uti�7. home, �he fantistic <br />cost 'brougiit abov,t by the immunity +�.f the S�. Psu1 ��ter Depe.rtment, and the desire of <br />a11 ths ne�gtaborca contacted -�o va.c�te tJie streo�� that y-ou v�zll give this proposed <br />st�ceet vacation yaur considarr�tion a�d approval. <br />Tt�ank yau for your consideration. <br />� � ��;� <br />