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� <br />� <br />� <br />;- <br />�,� <br />CAS�. 395-67 <br />APPLICAN�': <br />LC?C.AT10t�: <br />t�ormvnd W�wers <br />23��55 Rice St��at <br />� � <br />Ida Ave.nue betw�en Cs�unty Ro�d B-2 and G���dvieYw Avenus <br />ACT1C)N �tEfliJEST�D: Va�otion d Srr��t <br />P�rAN���S�J�G C:OPJ���}ERATlONS� <br />1. ldAr. Wa�+�ra hc�� rec�ntl�� applicd to move #,is home ro th�a �sterly s'rae a� the <br />����ret in q�a�sti�a�► aa shawn by th� sa�id >qu�r� on the map at the Itfr. Ne i: <br />a�ow requesr�r,g rhat Idc� A��nue b� �o�ptcd in t1�� or►e bloc�C c�eev fram Grondview <br />A►vs��a to ��unty Raod 8-2 (immed�ately west o� the new (ocation a� hi' har:e). <br />2. P�Aas�+ � Ycw h�ve �+etfiop� he�ord tht�t thcz B�n-�on Corpcxatia�+ has purcl�ised mo�t <br />�F t��r eem�qning und�v�loptd I�nd be�w�a� �aunty Rood 8-Z and Minn�sota <br />���n�r� wrest aF Rice itra�t. �hRs car��ony i: na�v in the pr�s�cess c�# prepa�ing <br />a� c�re�l1 develc�p�me�t plar� wFsich w��bd el`mirxare sig�ific�nt porti�s �' this <br />�ic6 �rid i,� ��at end devels�p ti,e prgperty on ca me�re e4fiei�t kwsis mo�er in <br />l��rgnc��r with �h� tercoie� ar�d tha exi�ting park sitas in th�e ara�. In vie� of the <br />poss(b�"'+c�., c�' nr�jar chongts i� the circulation patter� withi� the arec, we <br />su��st ��rc��ly th�� no action be tciken to v*�cate any street: unti 1 sueh time <br />a� o n�+v d�valopm�t plan c�n be th�rcw�,ghly rrviewerd in the int�rGst r,� the <br />existing p�aperiy cywn+srs an� the Bon-Ccu� �eople. <br />3. it is possible lhat in s�h o�eview thet � m�y be qpprcapriate ta vacats this <br />pori�iee� cf Ida Avenue in questi�. H����ver, de�ending upon the natu�e and <br />�rc�1� aF the d�v�lopment plon, tF►is e�n hs�rdly be assumod to be� a fcxegone <br />c�clersian �t this p�aint. �t is hop�d �hut such a delay an the st�e�t in questio� <br />wtil �mpose o har�ls�ip o� �ny affacted propaft�r awner. <br />