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<br />�� A road easement for Tona L�.�ne, on ancl acros� the N' lq 33 feet of
<br />�� th�e SI�� oi the Sli� of Sec . 1, 'T • 29 , R. 22 , except the B' lp �.48
<br />fe�t thereof, and e�c�pt th� �i'ly 32�.8 feet the�eof; Iona Lane,
<br />as ded�.cated on the plat of willmus Bstates Plat 1, bein� a s'crip
<br />�;' af land 35 feet in width from Wes tern Avenc�e ta a p oint 115 �eet
<br />i� W. of the W. line oi Western Ave. �.nd adjoining the N'lq sine af
<br />{ti the STs� of the S�� of Sec . 1, T. �'9 , R. 23 .
<br />�
<br />*
<br />*
<br />*
<br />*
<br />Tlae 3T. �AZJi, ABSTRACT AND TITLE GUARANTST COMPANY does h+�rebp cert�.fy
<br />�hat aram �n �axamination �f the ?recosds in the Real,. Fstate Division in
<br />th� of�ice of the Register of Deeds and/or Registras of Titles, in and
<br />for �he County of Ramsey anii S'cate of l�innes�ta, it appear5 that the
<br />apparent owner or owners of �he propertq within �. racI�.�� of 2�0 feet
<br />of the above property are as follows:
<br />The S. 15 acres of the NF� o� the S't��, excep�t the W. 647.6 feet tD�er+eQ�,
<br />and also except � tb,� N. 31m feet t}-iereof , Sec . 1, T. 2�9, R. 23 .
<br />The �.� Qf the �i. 647.6 feet of 'che S. 15 acres of the N�� of the SW� of
<br />Sec. 1, T. 29, R. 23, except %he N� 165 feet thereof, cantaining 2� acres
<br />of 1and, togeth�� with an easement for pr�.vate roadway �surposes over and
<br />acr�ss the S. 30 feet o3 the �i. � o� said W. �4? .6 feet thereof .
<br />A11 of Wilm�zs gs tates Plat No , 1, and
<br />1l11 af the �.� o� the S$i of Sec. 3, T. �9, R. 23, Iying W. of said
<br />i�illmus Bstat�es Plat No. 1, excepting theref�om the �ollowing described
<br />;tract: The S. 526.6 feet of the �. 920 feet, subject to Countq Road C.
<br />;and Dale Street, excepting a triangu�ar p�rtion thereo� desc ribed as
<br />iollows : �eginning at the NE cornex of the �. �26.6 fe�et of the �. g20
<br />ieet thereo� , thence �. along the N. `line thereaf a distance of 30 fe�et,
<br />theace SS to a point on the E. ].ine ther�eo� a�listance of 70 ieet S. of
<br />the s aid N� corner, thence N. along the E. lsne thereof a distance of
<br />7p fe�t to the point oi begianing; SII�13P,C'� $O COUII'�q RO�,CI C. & Dale St .;
<br />and aYso excepting �herefrom tii�e followin� described t�ac�:
<br />Beginraing at a point on the S. lin� of sai.d S.� of SiY� dis tant 16$ feet
<br />IiP, of the S� corner thereof , thence � � along the S. line of s aid, S.� fm�
<br />�S 1�� a dis tance o i 1, 1 1 4 i e e t, t h e n c e N� a t r i g h t a n g l e s a d i s t a n G e
<br />i 332.5� feet, theace N. 48° i�. a da.s�aa�ce of 1?6 �eet, thence N. 69° �. `a
<br />i distance of 436 �eet, thence �. a distance of 207,94 feet, thence S., 5�°
<br />14' and 40't �. a distance o� 464 feet, thez�ce S. 0° 14' and 44'� E. a dis �
<br />tance of 322.43 feet to the paint oi begini�ing, subject �co County �ad �C ,�
<br />��he S. 7Q feet of the N. 33U f�e� of the S. 15 �cres of the YZE� of th�
<br />51��, ex�ep�t the W. 64'�. fi feet thereof , of 5ec ,�� �' � L��C�.
<br />C.-�S' �f
<br />A p�pa,�ent record aw�.er: �n-Con, incorporated, (Mi�n. Corpc�►►raii�u�.
<br />�The �`.� of the �T. 6�?.� feet ofYthelS�r15 acres o£ the Ng� of �i�� S�l�
<br />�of 'Sec. 1, � 29, R. 23, excep� the �'. 165 feet thereof, cont�ini�g 5
<br />�a,c res of land, su�ject howe�er, to an easement in f�vor af owner of $,�
<br />of s a�.d �t e��? .��e+�t far private roadway purposes over �,nd acro�s t�e
<br />S , 30 f�et -�hereof . �To�rens )
<br />�t �' .�`fl rv.� L � �'�... ; ',
<br />�4ppar�ent reco�i ov�ners :'�illiam D. Sng an� Joa� �. �ng, husb��zd anc�
<br />wife, as jaint tenaat� . - �
<br />t 15 , Block 1, Kraiss Eas ttivood Addit iaa �'� r' �
<br />: - ,�'�,' ? � /�- l,�e'`� -:. ;
<br />,��P�,�mt reco�d oW�ers : Barle F. l�ard and Mari� �. i�a:rd, hus'band ;_
<br />and wife, as joint t�nants
<br />�� --------------� , _,
<br />4�� 3,6, Bi�ck i, �roiss Tas�ood ��dition
<br />Z � �e� �1. t.����� � �.�i`.
<br />,�'�►�Sarent xecord ��n�rs s John. L. Mep�r asct �oren� �. ��ge�, h�s�and
<br />and �r3�e, as jcain� t��a�t,s .
<br />�. .--- ----- -- -�- ,�
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<br />�� .�.
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