, ,
<br />;. �
<br />' _ .. ' ..:._.._.
<br />L. �Jilliam E H��aard and T1�ry A. Ho��Tard �re the owners of commencing at �
<br />point oti the � line of the S�•11�� of Sec ? L, T 2�, R 23, �ahich poir:t is
<br />8�.8 . 61 f t S of the NE corner of said �Sj1'-., thence runping GJ para11.e1
<br />�yith the S 1_ine �f s�id Sec 80 rods to the ��� lin� of the EZ of said SLJ4
<br />t��ence S on sAid tJ line 1� rods; thence E para11e1 to the S Line o£
<br />said Sec g0 rods t� the E Line of. said S�.J'4 thence N to pLace of �:
<br />beginnin�, excePt the N 65 ft of the E 235 ft thereof, subject to
<br />public ePsement for hi�h�.��y.
<br />y �`c r �-�'a�=z� .cl�-!�
<br />Z. TmiLie G1o� Cook is the owner of the N 6� ft of the E 235 ft of the
<br />fol.lowing described tract of iand, commencing at a point on th� � line
<br />o.f the SW1.; �f Sec 11, T 29, R 23, which poi_nt is 818.61 ft S of the
<br />NE corner of sAid �:Jl., : thence runni�g �� para11e1 with �he S line of
<br />s�id Section 8Q rods to fi�le [�i�st line of the C'� of �aid SW'4; thence
<br />S or, s�id t•1 line LO rod�, thence E parA11e1 to the S line oi s,�id
<br />Section, 80 rods to �.he E line of said St•1'-�: thence N to the place of
<br />be�;i_nni.n�. and That part of SEc L1, T 29, R 23, described as follows:
<br />Commenci.n� at a point c�� the E line of the S��,'1:� of ��id Section 11,
<br />769.11_ �t S of the NE t�r�er of_ said S',1�; thence runnin� tJ paralleL ,��
<br />with t�he S line of ��id Section, 20 rods; thence S and par�11e1 with
<br />the E line of the S[J'.� of said Section, 49.5 ft thence E and para�.le1
<br />��ith the S line of s�id Section, 20 rocis to i:he E line of said SWq
<br />thence N tn the pl�ce of b��inning.
<br />, �
<br />�y.3�� %:' �. <<-%� �. �.. ,�:',f�
<br />3. George �3. Jaco�son and Ida C. J�cobson are the owners of that part o£
<br />the N�1'., of the ST.1'�, af Sec 11., T 29, R 23, described as folLows: �;
<br />Commenci��� �t a poi.nt an the L line of said N�Jl; of the StJ4 distant �
<br />6gC.40 ft S as me�sured along �aid E line from the NE corner the�eoi; �
<br />ti�ence N�E� de�rees 43" 4�'� ',J a distance oi 200.77 ft; thenee S
<br />��-�e.�ree 44' E p�r�11e1. �o th� C Line of �aid Nt�'1.; of th� SWI,, 313.70
<br />f t L-o the N' Lt� ri�;ht of way line of St-a+-e Tru^k H�.�h��•ay N� . 36; thence
<br />E`1v ?1on� sai.d right of w�y 3:ine 200,09 ft to the � lin� of s�id
<br />N'..�'4 of the S'�':;; thence N a1�n� the E Line �f �a7_d Nr�T'-y �i the S`a'.�, 302.1
<br />f t �:o the Dnl�t of t�e�innin�
<br />�.'�'� / i;' :_�i:.�l. .� t<ilh. -..��
<br />4. Stanlev C. �ui�t �r�,d Re�it� rt. ��tiis*, hushanci and ::�ife �re the owners
<br />��f tne te SO f t ��f the E 33� f t of tha� part of the Nr�a o£ the StJ'-a of '�
<br />Sec L? , T 2�, R 2;?, cies�r� bed �s f�11nt.•s : Cammenc�rg at r� paiRt on �he
<br />E line ��f S'.'', �f >ec 11 f G75.74 £t S from center 1in� of said Sectiota;
<br />thc�nce '.,' 1320 .f t; the.c?cE � 163 . 2 7 f t thence � �90 f t, thence
<br />ti'e1�,�0 ft; thence E 330 it, thence N 113.37 f�: to p1�c� of beginning,
<br />excent the \T 12 £t thereof .
<br />�t�f�f�,. � r.«'c� -� � _
<br />�. RusGe11 F. BA�•.ez- and I.or�a. B ?3a.ker axe the owriers of a11 that part af
<br />`the NE'`.; �f the S'..''., of. Sec 1.1, T'�9, R'Z3 de�cri.bed �s iaLLc�ws: f
<br />l�e�in�i.r.�; �t ��oint 12 tt S of the S iine of Lovell E\ve. in Ramsey
<br />�c�u-�.t��, �`:in-�. as r,o�.� ?ocated, and 330 ft t� of the E line of said
<br />N�'-: of �aid S'.�'1_ti thence '.:' n�ra11e1 to and 12 ft S of the S Line nf said
<br />I ove11 -1ve . 7Q.?2 ft thence �?�1 .10 ft ta � point 409.17 ft ;,' c�.f thQ
<br />E line c�f sai_ri :�i.T�_: rt1PT'CP E 7�.1.7 ¢t- t-hPnCP N 1_;1 .11h fr �o the p'��ce
<br />of be�:�n-,it,��, <�1s�� de�cri�ec'� as fo?i��:•s: :'�11. tnar_ �art of tt�e �id� o£
<br />Sec 11, r 2r, �T, R 23 '.: c?e�cribed �� iollows: Be�inning at manument
<br />i7 center ot said Sec�ion, thene� S aLor.g th� � Li�e Qf said SsJ�
<br />�;7.74 ft thence s.�` 330 ft to a��int of be�innir.g of the land to be
<br />de�cribed, the-�ce co�ti*�uinn� ':�: 7�.22 ft `hence S and �ara1)_eI .�3ith E
<br />line ��f said S:4'_; i 71 . L� f t ; thence �?�,' 7 f � to � point L51 .06 ft S
<br />of the �t�int of bec;ir,n� n,�, the nce �I r_o �he poi*-t o� begirriing .
<br />J`.''�f� .,�•-t<lGL �C'�=C`
<br />