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� ' <br />It la e$reed� howevex� that tbe Developer eh�ll submit a�rritten ec�edule <br />in�icating the progr�ss schedule e►cid or3er of comple�ion af vork covexed by this <br />coatrnct. It i8 further agreeci that upon receipt o� written aa�ice �rom the <br />Developer of the existence of cau�es over ahich the Develpp�r hgs no coutro] <br />Which xill del,ay the complet�ion oP �he work, the Village Council, in its disc�e- <br />t3�u� may extend ti�e date hexeinbefore sp�cified for completion ae�d that any bond <br />required e2�a11 be continueai �o cover the �rork durfng this extension of tim,e. It <br />is dietinctly understoc�i and agreed that al�. �rork �:overed �y contract sme►11 be <br />dome at uo expense ta the 1�`111age of i�oaeville eaccept n$ pmvided in tbe apecial <br />cocxlitic�ae attachc� hereto e�d made a ps�rt bereof. <br />'1"�� Developer sha11 not d4 any ti+ork or �urnish any materials not cavered by <br />the p].ane e�d speei�ications a� spe�i�al. caru�itions of this aontrect, for which <br />reimb�rsement is exp�eted Prom �he V`illege, unles� sucb tirork is first o�ciered in <br />xritinB by the Village as provi�ied i.z� the speci�'ications. <br />Any ssch �oxk ar materiels Which ma�r be �io�e or furnished by th� contr�ctor <br />vit}zout such written ord��r firs� b�ing giv�n ah�11 be at his oWn risk9 cost and <br />expene�� and be h�reby ag�rees that without such �rritten order he �rill make no <br />alsim 3'or co�rpensati,on for �rorls o� materials so done �r furniahed� <br />It is further agreed� az�y�:hing to tbe contrary �ereir� not withstanciing, <br />tb�t '��e Vill.age oP I�sevi�l.e, Vi.11a@e Council and its �gents or emp�oy�es sha�.l. <br />not be per�or�ally liable or rereponaible in any manuer to tk�e Devel�oper, �he A�- <br />veloper's contrac�r or st�bcc:.trartors, material msn, le�borers or to any otber <br />person or persoae xhomsoever, �or any cle�.m, rlemand, damages, ac�ioaA or ceusea <br />oY e�ct3on of any kind or char�cter ari.sing out o� or by reascan of the execution <br />oP thie agreement or tbe perfarmance, completion or de�ign oY tbe work and th� <br />impro�ementa provided herein,, sad that tb� D�veloper will eave the Vil3age i�armw <br />le�s from a].1 eu�h cl�i,ms, clemands� damages, actinns or caus�s of action or the <br />aoeta� cli.s�uraeanec�s an�3 eacpenses of de.fending th� same. <br />It is �urt}aer agreed tha*, the Deve].oper xill furnish �he Village oQ �ioseville, <br />�apon exec��ioa of this contr+act, a corporate surety bond in 't�e am4unt oP <br />IInderground Uti�.it�,ee� �105,9ie.00, Street Gaastr�nction #51,441.00, <br />off�___�___-sit_e��e�ents �i3,2 6.00, - Total �160,615.00. <br />tbe estimated eo�t of the pm posed. improv�ment covexed by this contrsct e�nd also <br />sm,a1,7, furni�b p�oof af insura.nce c�vering �ny public lie�bility or p�ogerty da- <br />ma�e by re�soa o� the operation of the Devel�p�r'� equignenta laborers, and <br />i�az�x�. csusedl, by said imppovement. <br />ihis agree�ent sha�]. not reli.eve the contractor from any of the provisions <br />of G"hapter 2a of the VYLU�ge Code, or any other applicable Cale requirements. <br />It ig furtber a�reeci sud und�rst�ad tbat "Minnesot� Department of High�rays� <br />�eiPi�:a�io�as for HigYixay �onstruction, �964" and. its su;oplements thereto is <br />iacorpc�rated in and ma.�ie � part oP this contracL by apecif'ic reference and the <br />. same ah�ll. coastitut�; a part of tbe pl.ans aa�. specifica•�i��n� refErred to �n �his <br />a�xeement. <br />-2- <br />