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� <br />. � <br />VARIANCE TO ZONING ORD:NANCE <br />APPLICATION FOR VARI�NCE FROPd <br />PROVISIONS OF ZpNING ORDINANCE <br />VILLAGE OF ROSEVILLED NiINNESOTA <br />rections; <br />Fee: $SQ,00 <br />Case '�o. <br />-� <br />�idl out this -orm an up icate y typing or prrn�ing in in e * e spaces <br />provided are insufficient, use additional sheetsp keying information to the <br />pro�er item number. <br />� <br />_ _�" ---�� �� <br />1� Western Stores Division of Continental Oil Com an <br />am� o wner: ast , irst -' <br />, i e >.:�:tl <br />2. 1400 Lilac Drive South, Minneapolis, Minn�sota 55416 <br />ress o wnero o, an tireet <br />3• 1721 North Lexin ton Avenue Roseville Minnesota <br />txeet ress o roperty nvo ve : <br />The East 229.27 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter <br />4� of Section I5 Townshi 29 Ran e 23 exce t�he �Torth 767.00 <br />ega Descriptxon o ropPrty nvo ve a fee t <br />thereof, except the South 369.89 feet thereof. <br />5• Service Station—Sto <br />resent se; <br />6� New Service Station—Store <br />ropose se; <br />�a 1 1 {,4 -- <br />� <br />ate roperty`��cquir�� <br />8, Present Zoning District: <br />B-2 <br />9, Variance is requested fram the followin� sections of the Zoning Ordinancee <br />8.020. 14_ 2A1 (t�l s� nors <br />10, FVhat is the requirement of �}1P Section mentioned in Item 9? <br />_ 30' setback, 104 square feet. 42 nark;,,,� �,..,....� <br />11, 5tate exactly what is ir�tended to be done on or with the property which does not <br />con£orm with existing regulations; <br />ote: <br />ine law requires t at tle con itions set ort in t e n.ow�ng item B <br />established before a variance can be granted, Explain in detail after each <br />statement wlierei.n your case conforms to tlie requix�ementso <br />12. Difficulties or llardsliip �o Owner� Strict application of the provisions of the <br />Zoning Ordinance woulcl result in �eculiar and practical difficulties or excep�ional or <br />undue hardship upon the owrier of the a.ot in cleveloping or usin�; such lot in a manner <br />customary and legally permissible within the �oning distra.ct a.n which said �,ot is <br />located. Grantinp, of th� variance is necessary for th�; presereraiion and �njoyment of <br />a substantial property ri�ht of the applicant and ro alleviate demonstrable hardship <br />ar difficulty and will not merely serve as a convenience to the appiican�; <br />See second she�t. <br />