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• September 9, 1983 <br />-5- <br />15) Hoffman - 638-2490. Dick Hoffman was in to file a request for variance <br />for location of his sign for the development north of TH 36. The application <br />is to put the sign (1ow ground sign) right up to the property line; which <br />we suggested to Mr. Hoffman th at the City might well be reluctant to <br />allow such an extreme variance because it would set a precedent for future <br />development in the are a. His conce rn relates to the visibility of the sign <br />because of the trees on the site which are required to be maintained. <br />We suggest he plac� stakes on the site, indicating possible locations, <br />so that a more realistic judgment could be made as to an appropriate <br />location that can be seen, either conforming �o the ordinance or conforming <br />to the maximum extent that is reasonable. The sign they have designed is <br />very attractive, and it may well be appropriate to place it clnser than the <br />30' requried. <br />16) AIS - 457-5993� Will Pete rson and Doug Hartung, formerly of Northwestern <br />Be11 Telephone Company, were in to discuss a new signed to be placed noxth <br />of ti�eir building which they have recently modeled for offices to serve as <br />a regional headquarte rs for the new telephone company which may be known as <br />American Information Systems (AI5). Due to the required break-up of AT&T, <br />new telephone divisions are bein g set up around the country, of which this is <br />one. They are 110t certain about the name at this point in tim�. They prapose <br />to huild a low sign in tY�e front of their building, which is located 30' <br />� �outh of County Road B-2. They are proposing a sign tA be plac�d withi.n <br />the landscaped area which may be 20' from the property line, rather than <br />the required 30'. The sign is only about 5' off tile ground, and thus could <br />be canside red reasonable placed closer to the property line than 30'. We <br />suggested they put a�emporary sign on the building; and if they wish, they <br />could pursue a yariance ta the proposed ground sign as cantem�l�ted. <br />17) Casey - 489-2259. Jim Casey, Dave Olson, and th.eir wives, were in to discuss <br />thc possible addi�ional development of their single--family home �roperties <br />on the west and nortili sid� of Victoria S�r�et. Th�ese �raperties are just <br />north �f the bend in Victoxia, about on�-i�alf mile north of L,�irpenteur <br />Avenue. Tt�e problem here is one of prcavisions for sewer services. This <br />is on� of th� small ar�as in th� City e�nnot be se rvec�, and is not <br />now served due to elev�tions of the sewer trunks in the area. I� woulcl <br />appear this land could be served wikh sewer by runnir�q an �asement wes�e�ly <br />to the Zittel prop�rt�. The otller option i.s to install. a pumping s�ation <br />which could be very exp� to install and costly to operate. Each of <br />th�s� home sites involvc seve.ral lots, and i� is ol�vious tiiat tllere is adequa�e <br />s�ace and potential for �urt1�E r developmen� oE the praper�y, subject to a <br />salut.ion ta the sew�ge servi.ce �roblem. The existing hames are currently <br />servi.ced by private s�ptic tank systems, which appear to work well. We <br />discussed City policy and potential methods for handling the sewe r�n qu�stion. <br />We also discussed a PUD as a�ossible d�velo�ment sol.utian, though this <br />does not solve �.he sewac�e probl�n�� TY�ey are going to c�ork <br />furth�r with David Drawn regarding the secaer in question, and look at <br />� alte rna�e solutions. <br />