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�b3�� 1�. Lot 8, except the E.30 feet tliereof, aiid all of i,ot 3, except the <br />�r f- ���' �T. 45 feet thereof, Block 1, Ridgewood, R�,msey County, h-iinnesota. <br />�1('�� 1 ', ..'' 1.�_" 2 f ,t �-., <br />>: „ ,.':.... ` ic C t° <br />� f�pparent record o�vner : Bernadine Nw Bechik. -.�,� y� � J� 3 <br />19. The �Y' l;r 45 feet of Lot 9, and �,11 of Lot lU, except the S�Y' ly 30 <br />� L� �-�' � feet th�reof, Block 1, Ridge�vood, Ramsey County, Niinnesota. <br />20. <br />��_��� <br />21. <br />. ;,; <br />,(;,a <br />2�. <br />��f.�� <br />23. <br />l�,llv <br />24. <br />}��� <br />25. <br />1 �r' -� .�' <br />2G. <br />lb+i�} <br />2'1 <br />. <br />1 �<' �� <br />, .> �,._ <br />n8� <br />� t+ � �- <br />, <br />{ ���c c,_ � C �t.� <br />. A� . <br />G <br />�o � � <br />. <br />� -,��.�E.� _ .�r <br />v <br />30. <br />°� ° �;' �% <br />�\ f ( t . <br />,,,y;`�, 6,� t <br />Apparent record owners: Edward L. D�cker and Dorothy D. Decker, <br />his wife, (as joint tenants) . <br />W' ly 30 feet of Lot 10 and aIl of that part of Lot 11, except ���e <br />W' ly 20 feet �th�reof, Block 1, Ridgewood, Ramsey County, it�innesota. <br />Apparent record owi�ers; Gordon W. 114ixon and Katie 1�Iae Mixon, <br />husband and wi�e, (as joint tenants). <br />�y' �y 20 feet of Lot 11, anci the E' Iy 85 feet of Lot 12, �31ock. 1, <br />Ridgewood, Ramsey County, �linnesota. <br />A�parent record otivners; I�red f�. McGoni�le and I3ernice M.P�IcGonigle- <br />(as joint tenants}, <br />Lot 12, except E'ly �5 �eet thereo�, all o� Lot 13, and E`ly 5 <br />lee� oi Lot 14, Block 1, Ridgewoo�l, Pamsey County, Minnesota. <br />Apparenl: rocord owners; Mathias H. Diebel and 11'lyra C. Diebel, <br />his wife, (as joint tenants) . <br />Lot 2, Block 2, Ridgewood, Ramsey County, Minnesota. <br />Apparent record own�r ; Dr . Laurence D. Hilger . <br />Lot 3, Blocic. 2, Ridgewood, liamsey COLl11�;Y� �rlinnesota. <br />Apparent record o�tvners; Fz�ank S. Ziiiimerman and P,4arcella G. <br />Zirnmerrnan -- (as j oint tenan ts ). <br />Lot 4, Blocic 2, l�,id�;ewood, Ra���sey County, Minnesota. <br />Ap�ar�nt record owner; John E. F3arl�ley. <br />Lot 5, Blocic 2, Rid�ewood, N.a,msey Courlty, It�linneso�:a. <br />Apparent record owi�ers ; K. Arnold Eklund and Lois I. �ls�und, <br />liis wire, (as joint te�iants) . <br />Lo�t 6, Bloclr 2, Ridgewood, Ramsey County, Minnesota. <br />Appar�nt rocord owners; Donald �1. Justus aild ysaUel T. Justus, <br />hu5ba.nd and wife, (�.s joint �enailts) . <br />L,ot ?, Blocl: 2, Ricl�ewood, Rainsey i;c�unty, hlinn�sota. <br />Apparent r�cord �wil�r; Philip ��. DuFrene --. <br />The N' ly 63 feet o:t Lot 2 and all of Lot 3, e�c�;�t tlie N' ly 36 <br />�eet thereof, Bloclt 1, I�,id�;Ewood, Ramsey County, Minnesot�.. <br />Apparen� record nwners ; D�.vid Crini�i�ir�s ��,nd lleuorali I��1. Cri���tniiis, <br />l�usban� a�id �,ti�ife, (a.s ,joint ten�,��t5) . <br />All of Lot 4, Block 1, and N' ly 3G feat of Lot 3, rlock l, <br />Rid�;ewood, Ramsey Cotinty, A�linnasota. <br />Appax•ei��t; record owners: John Robei,t hSurdock �,nd E1lerine A. <br />h�Iurclock, htasuand and wife, (1s join�t <br />teizants . ) <br />- 4 - <br />