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Copyright O 1950 The Nea Tbrk Times <br />.� ��.�d1'1'I ��'tci.� <br />��� �� �11�1��1" <br />��C� .�'c"�.� <br />sy�ociEs� <br />Spcc•x! �o The Srw 1"oi k Timez <br />R'LtiSLO'a', �1'ash. — In ihis toa�n 30 <br />minutes b}� terr�� from downtow•n Se- <br />attle, tive acres of Douglas firs and <br />big-leat maples will soon be home to <br />the councry's first co-housing com- <br />muniry, an expe� imenc in living bor- <br />rowed from Europe. <br />The project, a 53.9 million village <br />tor 70 people that combines houses <br />and communal space, is to bre2k <br />ground next month in this town on <br />Bainbridge Island in the middle of <br />Puget Sound. Residents hope to move <br />in nex� .lul}�, and p;ans are baing <br />made around thz Gni;cd States for <br />dozens of other such communities. <br />"I'm looking for the hind oi com• <br />munity I had as a child, w�here people <br />looked out for one another," said Jane <br />Trancho. �4s. Trancho, a graphic arc• <br />is[, her husband, Timothy Young, a <br />teacher, and their young daughcers, <br />Courtney and .4idan, are among the <br />families who ha��e committed [o de- <br />veloping and li��ing in the 30-unit com- <br />munity, called the t4'�nslow Co-hous- <br />ing Group. <br />Emphasison Communi[y <br />The group em�isions day care, care <br />for the elderl:: and a recycling center <br />as w•ell as the optio� of a communal <br />din^er on �he *able at ,he end a mosc <br />days. ln this "environr.�entaily sensi• <br />tive" n�ighborhood, as tt�e sign out- <br />side the site proclaims, the emphasi� <br />will be on the community ratt�er than <br />on traditionat, single-famiiy detached <br />houses. <br />Tom Gomez, a director of the <br />Northu�est Community Housing <br />Founda[ion, a nonpro:`i[ corpora[ion <br />T <br />-.� _ �. �` ; ' _ - <br />:� ��:� l �� <br />..� � '�:. f• " <br />_ ,� :". <br />t��� ��'�itr �ark �i��e�. <br />.�T�3 e 01� Ll�� <br />that works with fledgling co-housing <br />groups in Seattla, said co-hoLs�r.g ha_ <br />four basic characteristics: u is dc- <br />signed by its future residents: i; ic <br />pedestrian-orienced; it respec�s �he <br />need for privacy, and il of;ers sub- <br />s[an[ial taciliues shared by a!i ,'.:e <br />res�dents. <br />"Co-housing has a fuiure no: as a <br />solution to all our housing problems <br />or sociai ills, but� as a viable op[�o� <br />within a market system that needs <br />far more diversity," said Gu•endolyn <br />Wright, a professor ot architec:ure at <br />� i�' • " n <br />y.A,r.��-- _ <br />Columb�a Univ�rsitt� and the au;hor <br />of "Build�r.g [he arc:�m� ,; Histor� 01 <br />Housing in America" (�! i.'. Press. <br />1��1). <br />\is. i�'right saiC that for a'r.ousir.g <br />exper�mert to w�ork, it ttas to he dri•:- <br />en by the midd!e class, ba!ance pn- <br />�•a�e an� communny life and !,e :t- <br />u-acerve. "Co•housi:ig sezms co rnest <br />a1i �hree elemeats at this formuta," <br />she said. <br />In Denniark, more tha.^, I20 co• <br />housing communities ha�•e been buiic <br />sin�e 19i2. Thc go�•ernmer.t is now• <br />��;, - ::,on ro. ;r.e •.r. vn.. t� ..c, <br />suYpor:mg sucZ pro�eccs witka lo•x- <br />intcrest tir.anc:�g, and thcrc arc wa;!- <br />ing I�sts fcr resa;e un:ts. Commun�- <br />t�es ha�•e also b_•en set np in Sw�edcn, <br />tiarway, rrance and �'esl Germar.y. <br />r'+tcord,�g tu a Ser:celey consulti^g <br />firm, the Co•nouztng Cumpan}•, doz- <br />ens u( co-housia,; gzoups ha��e or�a- <br />mzea in oche: areas oi .he country, <br />±nciudmg Der.�•er, ti!inneapolis ar.0 <br />kochester, ti.}'. In the last yrar, a: <br />least ?0 groups havc formed in �.ha <br />tiortheast. <br />T•.�•o gro�ps in th� �ew• :'Gi �C �::•3, <br />THURSDnY, SEPTC �1BER ?i, 1990 <br />an� �r, Ya.^.�crs and or,c in �l'estchas- <br />ter Co� ;sp, ar<- mee[�ng th:s <br />to cGr.s:•Ser mcrgzng ar.d a plan to <br />locik i0: I3i:C. nRC[}:er group, :n ::an- <br />hatcar,, u•;:,,ts to de�•eiop a three• [o <br />�IL'C'Si0^: CO-ROL'S:ib'nn�Y.•L'p:tl3lG <br />eation sutl �nder.ded. <br />Sor.:e o; the ocher grauFs srou:�d <br />the ceuni ry ha�•e atready b:,ug^,c lar.d <br />b�t tGe H cr.s:�w Gro�p is the c;cses� <br />to hRai:, construcs:on. "7n�-re is <br />some ddference berx•et•n •xancir., ;o <br />Co u at:d �e�;.g �t,.. satd Cha; �es �3�: <br />re��, �.�:,o :ecer.,ly N:fSf'il[C-:� 3 ser:es <br />� >t�� <br />E-' . <br />Z <br />� <br />� <br />ot "Gc:ur:o S:ar,ed in Co-haus�ng p <br />`»or�s!:.,-;s" i.^, : �c ':ortheast � <br />3lajarit}• Are Prcf-rssioa,tls � <br />..�[ firs! u::- :�•;�.a cn�!dren � <br />?!:c::�;;;r thrl' py'=:ftS a:r.� m0�::.^.� `` <br />I;�20 � tllv�lP CL.^IC::':�• " c1;� t�3::�:P <br />T�Z:.'�.(�.;i^7::: :1 i::.: _ _ '.4'�'.l IS :i):_..iil;? <br />ize rn:, �e ic; `.t�:. :..... �.��it`, �c�: ,�..� <br />�aP.�, t:CA, 8!7 U�=t ..:Cltt:: ..fdL� �TN. <br />� - <br />CG.Ub:S: $i:2 ]G�_{.j �•(y�rr, cl^�..; <br />._...s tu sornc cf c_: mcc:;ngs ar:d <br />( i�..��„��.i. .. _ , �.. <br />