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� <br />L� <br />MEMORAIJDUM <br />DATE: <br />TO: <br />FROM: <br />RE: <br />1. <br />September 30, 1g91 <br />Steve Sarkozy <br />Phil Carlson <br />1'LAKNING OFFICE HOURS, Sept�mber 25, 1941 <br />aerry Glomb <br />1901 Vfctoria <br />Mr. Glomb owns a 147�-wido single fan�ily lot across from the <br />cemetery on Victori� Street, and �.s invc�stigating the possibilit <br />vf splitting it ifi two, An even split �would r�sult in two lots <br />that meet the il,oao-square-foat minimt�m eiae standard ��t not �he <br />85' width. A varianc� would be required� Mr. G�omb's lot and hie <br />neighbor to the soukh are th� only twQ wide lot� leP� irt t�e <br />neiqtaborhoc►ci; every ottaer on� a <br />nsrrower 1ot�, incl�dir�g his re�r �a� dgn �qh�or with an iai�en�ic�� <br />1�7�-wfde lot that was epl,it into two 73� �o��. al <br />n��g�borhood vary from 62� wide ta 106� wid�, withTth�lp���o�ainant <br />wid�h bein� i5f. A varianca to a�ccomplish thie lot split wauld k� <br />in keeping wit�a the cha,ractar o� th� Ro3�ghborhood, e <br />The n�ie�hboring lot to th� �outh is i�4' wid�, end wQ $uggQ�t�� to <br />M.r. Glamb tha� �,� �hi� h��qhk�or is �lso �nte�c�st�c� ir� �plittin hie <br />�o�► �Qmbining th� twc would rgault in twa �ot$ theg more c1o�e1 <br />meet tP�e Co�� standbrd� (two �3' ,�akst in�stead oF on� �3 f�t�c� one <br />9��j. <br />�. �7ohn Du�fy, D���y Dev��opr�Qnt (5�4-6769y <br />�aro� �elsi�g, Dsle Nall; Twin C��ies t��g. Dov�t. Co��. <br />Th�r team prapo�it�g t�c� C��i���, Ridg� townhou�Q <br />�liscus�► de�ail$ oP th�ir submis�ion, which w�11 bc��in �ront�m�n�tn <br />Pi�nning Cc�aQm�ssion et their nctob��r mAQting an� wae �o b� in Prc,�g <br />9f a t�siqhbo��h�ad� �ae�ting tlaat night (9/25j .�ver�aii, �he ro ��cC <br />is d�eigned s�,�Qgu�t,��,y� and the a�chit�cte hawc� r�s}�ondad tQ � <br />of the euqg��t�on� �r�a madc�. Th�r� were � tew concQrr,s w� ghared <br />�a3th �hem: <br />1) Tjanaecaping on th� patt�wa�r to the w�et �hroug}� the <br />neighbors' ba�k ya�ds 4Note: this <br />droppad �Pa�i tiae projsct a�ter comm ts at� ths r��i hborh��n <br />m�eting). 9 ood <br />2) L�ndsc�ping eround the bask�tball court. W� wantod �n <br />make sure it was screoned adequat�ly from �he neighbors. <br />