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� <br />� MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: September 13, 1991 <br />T0: Steve Sarkozy <br />FROM: Phil Carlson <br />RE: PLANNING OFFICE HOURS, September 11, 1991 <br />1• John Duify, Duffy Development (544-6769) <br />Jerry Allen, Criteria Archts. (436-606G) <br />Greg Hollenkamp, KKE Archts (339-4200) <br />Carol Felsing, Dale Hall; <br />Twin Cities Housing Devt. Corp. <br />The group working on the Calibre Ridge project met with us �o <br />discuss refi,aements made by KKE to the conc�pt plans p�epared by <br />Criteria. The KKE plan still has 58 townhouse units and is very <br />similar to the earlier concept. The plan has come a long way since <br />Mr. Du�fy joined with TCHDC and rotained �he two architects. IF <br />the project w�arks for them financially, we b�lieve it will work <br />well from a cammunity design standpoint. <br />� Among the details we discussed: <br />1) We agreed that 22' wid�� was adequate for the �rivate <br />roadwa�ys. <br />2) ParDcinq shou�d k�@ distribute^I mor� �venly. <br />3) Pedestria� access to Marion Street to the west on th� 1�'- <br />wid� easement i� essential to the pr�j�ct. It is our F@�1,��� <br />that this new n�ighborhood should b� integrated with �h� <br />�urrounding area. Th�re will not be any v�lai�l� �ccess, but <br />a p�ved walkway/bikeway with appropri.ate scr��ning wi1A. <br />provid�� th� necessary connect.ion, esp�cially for ct�,�ldren. <br />Landsca in will be proposed to bufL•er th� exi�tinq neighbors, <br />�erhaps o� their property, if they wish. <br />4) John Duffy has talked with MnDOT and assur�d us he will <br />hav� �he necessary a,�proval to allow dxainage onto the 1�ighway <br />36 righ�-og-way, w��.ch is acceptabl� to the City engineer. <br />�� W� discu�sed two places where the units were qui�e close <br />toqether. KKE will alter these slightly, including addition�l <br />landscaping. <br />6j There are two play areas propos�d, one in the SW part of <br />� the site, one in the NE part. We also agreed on the location <br />of a basketball court For the area south of the west�rnmost <br />building, adjacen� to the bikeway out to Marion Street. <br />