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. ROBE9ILLE PLANNINQ OFFIeE H6URg 8/14j91 <br />a <br />So far we have seen numerous incomple�e attempts at �ite �lanning <br />and design, all of whic� leave ou� some important d�tail, or <br />which make unacceptable campromises. Far example, in an attempt <br />�o squeeze the buildings on the site h� had red�ce� th� building <br />size by �ropasing single ga��geB only 18'-6�' deep; 21' is <br />minimum. In a�other concept, units with liv�ng r��m and kitc�en <br />spac�s on �n outside wall did not h�ve windows o� daors on �ha� <br />w�ll; �r. Duffy simpl� hadri'� thought oP it. <br />We etre8sed aga�n �hat th� site simply m8y not �it 58 uni�� o� <br />trii� design. �Qing 2-level, ve. tho 4-level apartm�n�� a���dv�d <br />prev�ously, th� �1an he is p�o��eing i� the �qufvs��nt c�ver�g� <br />of a 215-un�t apartm�nt bu�lding. W� urge� �i� a�ain to consider <br />3-l�v�l units, or cw� the num��� 4f uni�s. <br />�a��� o� �hi� di�cu�sion, i� wa� �gr��� �hat Mr� D��f� �oul� �o� <br />�p�oar et tonight�s Plann��� Ce������on mQ�tfng, �ince h� did �ot <br />�$a� � co�plQ�e �l�n. �a u��ed h�m to come ��Q�e��d n�x� �onth <br />with �n� ��11 thou��t ou� �l�n �o ae n�t �o wask� th� <br />Ca�ani��ibn�r�� ti�q �ith u���c�gsary �n� c4�f���ng ��t�3��. �r. <br />Howa ���o ���eod th�t �h�a �a� �h� b��� ��p�a��h !or �11 <br />c�ncarn��, <br />� �tar �n C�Q da�, �o��o�fng �u� me�tin�, �r. <br />C��y Na�l end eske� t� ��� t�� Alanni�� �o��i�si�n����ndsst�� <br />di�c��� �o�� a� ��� d���q� d���#1�: t�g 6a� �t���� ��r�ge�, �h� <br />locatian and ���� o� �n� pla� �r.�a, �t�� �Q ��ge� ��� na� to <br />c��a, ���ing i� ����d be� ��t �o� ��c�yon� ta �ork ou� t��g� <br />��t�i�� d�ith ��a��� N� �n���ta�, �nd a� tQ�� hi� �� h�� Ch� <br />���h� t� � n�ard �� ��o�� a� tri� Cam����iA� f� h� wi�h��, �u� <br />�h�t it ��y not �� th� ��� �p�ro�ch. <br />���ad �� au��yt�i�� �� hma� s���, �� l�ii�v� Ch�� ��. �u��y �� <br />not �� �x�eri����� ��w�hau�a d���loQ��, h�� n�� �ark�d �los�ty <br />���h the �������1����� �� h�s r����nQ� (���� ���oci���� ��ra �at <br />ca��on���l� �o� a�l t�� �i�� �k�tc��� w� �e�}t �nd ha ��y h�v� <br />v��y l�m�tQ� �i�����a� r��our��s ��t� w�i�h to �Qei�n and ca��y <br />out kh� ��oj���, �ta saQ�� to b� in����in� �� �8 �nit� l�c��a� a� <br />�inanc.��g eo���t�Qnt�, �eC ����uee ���� ������ h�� �ny ��g�� <br />r����a� �o t�Q �ctu�l ����. w� �r� �Qnr,�r�od t��� ��� �p��o�ch <br />�� h�d� ���n �o �ar ��X ���r� aaQ� �n�o co��t���tio� �n� <br />m���g���nt, �n whi�� ca�� �o�avil�� caul� @��v� � v�gy ����icult <br />ait����o� on �t� �an�8. �� h�v� sh���d our c�nc��n� wi�� ��, <br />au��y �nd a� ��r�f��sia��l cau��esy, elso with so�a A��a�a���a <br />��o, �t �urn� ou�, h�v� �md ve�� li��ia i�volv�man� i� ��� <br />p��p���t�on o� tho�e �lan�, e�en �hough th�i� n�m� ��pe��� o� <br />m�ny o� th� dra�ings, <br />We eti�l ��l��ve ��r�ject o� �hi� typ� i� on�irel a <br />� �or this �ito, �n� will do wh�t we cmn �o �neist o� qu�lityi8te <br />praPe�sional dm6ign of tha p�oj�ct. <br />