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s <br />� .� <br />� <br />August 7, 1986 <br />T0: <br />FROM: <br />SUB�JECT : <br />Jim Andre <br />John Shardlow <br />PLANI�zNG OFFICE iiOURS, JULY 3Q, 1986 <br />1. Christoff�rson, 633-9525 <br />John Christoffersan is a n�w remltar in the �Q�eville a�ea, <br />and really want�d to �just discuss general p7.annir�g� and zoning <br />informationo W� pzovided him with a cogy o� th� 1979 Land <br />Use Plan, as w�11 �s packets �o�iec� from th� Zoning ardi�ance. <br />2. Hayless, 483�5811 <br />Eileen Bayiess is a�.so a r�altor ita th� Ros�vi21� are�, and <br />is warDcinc� �i�h a� numbQr of cli�nts �n �n a��empt �o la�a�e <br />sit�5 �or shopping cent�res anci hotel�. '�h� c�iscu�sion �hich <br />we had with h�r w8s g�ncral and iden�ifi�d the �status of <br />existing and propn�ed p�rojocts around th� �omm�ani�y, �� wQll <br />a� disc�r�sing pot�ntisl s�,tes for the ty�a�s of us�s which �t�� <br />was sur�gesting. <br />3. C1aanCo 870-1fl00 <br />Mr, J m R�nge s th� Gom��rallar for M�r. �r�pp. H� $ <br />a�ong with IMrs, �'x�pp and th� 81�C�'1��.��'C�, �im f�ammers, �rhoaciid <br />�h� origin�l sit� plan �Ark icar tM� Tra�p's back �n 1978. <br />'�his r�quQs� for a S�cial U�� Fermit for khE ���se �f � <br />port,ion o�` the p�o�r�� fo� �he s�1e ot c�srbage t,xu�k� hag <br />h��r� c�ntia�u�d at th� �lanr�ing Commiss,�on me�ti�c� pc�ndi�g <br />th� d�velapment, r+ec�ip�, and xev�ew of th� ��idi�ional <br />in�orma►ti�n. <br />�►s ��u mayr kr�o�a, th� ba�kgraund on this �usin�ss in ��,�� <br />lr�catior� is �xt�ns�ve. Th��e have b�en � numb�r eE �pc�cial <br />U�s� Permit �p�lica�ions, �ign�ci variances, and othe� r�quest� <br />of thc� �it� tl�roughout �tze y�ar�. In �ach oi thc�s@ cas��,,, <br />t��rc h�s b��n correspc�nd�nc� and �an�l.i�ions o� apprav��,, <br />tnost o�' wY�ich r�la�ed Co c�ear�ing up th� us� of th� fac��.ity. <br />�h�ouc�hout th� background mat�rial, �h�r� is a p�attern of <br />acc�pt�nce and aqreQment on �he part �afi th� applicant with <br />�h� conditions of aopro��l, $n� ���� �a a�;���� �o comply �ri� � <br />th�se conditians. t�� shar�d th� �n�ir� file with rh�m, ar�d <br />r��ommcnd�d that th�y put tag�th�r a chzonological taisto�y uf <br />th�: pe�:mi�s on th� sit� and th� conditions of ag�proval which <br />have lbeen set farth. <br />we th�n informed Mr �amm h <br />• ers t a� his best approach would b� <br />to updat� the ex�.stinq status of th� subject �aroperty, and <br />then to gropose a sit� pZan for the subsequen� reuse. <br />