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,;, <br />�� <br />December 16, 1986 <br />'r0 : <br />FRO�! : <br />SUBJECT: <br />Jim Andre <br />Howard Dahlgren <br />� <br />OFFICE PL,ANNING HOURS, nECEMBER 3, 198fi <br />1. Younqe 227-7667 <br />i�oward Yaun,q is a St. Pau1 aarchitect wk�,ose client, Orkel�. <br />DevelaFm�rit, is looking for approx�,mately a fiue acre site to <br />build approximately sixty--four units �f cluster�d housir�g, <br />built iour units per st�:uc�ure. They have such a project <br />und <br />erway �n Stillwat�r and are look�.ng i�n variQus other <br />suburban communities incl.uding Lakevi�.lc, Chisac�o City, <br />Hasti,rxgs, White Bear, a.nd Fridley. Some of �h� �nits ha�r� <br />on� bearoom withc�ut g�arag�o and some with twQ be�rooms caith <br />one c��arage. They are laokit�g for a site i.n Ros�vi�.1e and are <br />muc21 inter�sted �n community financial �uppart sy�t�ms. <br />� Crai� wa�dron ex�lained th� City's �ax �.ncremen� bonding <br />policy noting the scenara.� wherein bAnd� ar� not sold, but <br />wh�re cash is rebated �o ttae d�velop�r �s th� �x�crem�nts <br />axrivc: on-lin�. <br />� <br />S�1e r�viewed possiblE si��s as d�sxgnated far medium d�r��ity <br />resident,i�l i.� �he C�mprQhensiv� P�an. <br />2. LinEl�.. 378-9262 <br />�tob�:rt Lin�ll is intex�st@d in dividing wha� was an �:xisting <br />lot on th� narth�rly por�ion of his property a� 1835 Na�rth <br />Chat�wc�rth. A rev�.�w �f the r��cord subst�ntiat�s that �his <br />at onc tiime was a 1ot� and was combin�d for a tax p�riod m�ny <br />years ago. w� r�viewed proc�edures and r�quir�m�nts for a lat <br />split, which in �h�s cas� n�ed a�o� b� platt�d. Existing lot <br />(with a hous�) would bE 94.14 fe�k and th� prcapos�d lot wou�.d <br />b� 71 teet, sirniiar to oth�r lots in the imm�d3.a�e n�ic�hbor- <br />hood. <br />3. Baxtl�tt, 871-6395 <br />Rdbert Bart].e�t has purchas�d an option on the Ruan sit�, ar�d <br />wa�s �.n with h�s arehit�ct/builder, David Phillips, of <br />Phillips Klein Compani�s. They sh�w�:d us a si�e plan <br />indicating the propase�i �iviSia� o� tn� �.87 acre site into a <br />3-1/2 acr� site (�ast�rly port�or�) fo� a Chrysler Auto <br />D�al�rship, and � proposed 1.37 acr� site for a future <br />restaurant (west end of the sit�). <br />