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�._:`..:........;...�: -- <br />;,�: . <br />� <br />�� <br />� <br />� <br />VT—A <br />School Board �lembers <br />Page 3 <br />October 21, 1986 <br />. The school district will continue to support a comprehensive program <br />compri sed of both required and electi ve offeri ngs designed to serve the <br />range of student abilities, aspiratio�s, and career goals. <br />. The school di stri ct's ori entation wi 11 be focused - fi nances <br />permi tting - on program and service expansion. <br />. The schooi ��istrict will naximize cost/effective facility usage. That <br />is, excess facilities - as aassible - will be taken out of service, <br />sold, leased, rented, exchanged, or otherwise used to �naximize return to <br />the taxpayer and school district and minimize overhead. <br />. Assu�ning future pupil population growth and the need for expande�f pupil/ �'. <br />program housing, the school district - where possible - will first <br />i nves ti gate the feasi bi 1 i ty of one-time capi tal i nves tment i n the <br />expa nsi on of exi s ti ng, opera ting uni ts ra ther than reopeni ng i d� e school <br />facilities and incurring duplicatory administrative, clerical, <br />mai ntena nce. util i ty, supply, capi tal , and other annual ly recurri ng <br />expenses - all of which impact in a measurable fashion the school <br />district's General Fund and the district's capability for d�liv�ring <br />instructional programs and services to students and pwngram <br />participants. <br />. If it is deter°mined that a one-time capital invest�nent expansion of <br />operating school uni ts is not feasihle to house projected and/or <br />unanticipated future pupil population increases, the schdol district <br />will consider placing back into service idle facilities. In so doing, <br />school district administrators will attempt to achiev� such reopenings <br />in the most cost effective manner - one which �inimizes the impaci on <br />the school district's General Fund budget. <br />FIhlDTNGS AIaD RECOr1MENDATIONS <br />Finding 1: 7he school district's elementary school enrollment lias heen and, <br />'"� - iikely, will continue to increase (or, at the least, maint�in its <br />current entering enrollment at approxirnately 500-53� kindergarten <br />s tudents/year) . <br />Consaquently, the school district will quickly exhaust all available <br />ele�entary school space unl�ss programmatic relocations were undertaken, <br />�exington Elenentary School is placed back in service, L�ke �wasso Ele�nentary <br />School is placed back in service, additio�al classrooms are constructed, or <br />assumptions about usage of existing elassrooms are changed, <br />3 VI—A <br />072 <br />