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'�r No. 262�•T. Earnest Money Contract. Revised 1956. DUPLICATE <br />��litll !. NOTII �'iOM. rI11NG►OU� �" - . <br />PURCHASE ��REEIdrEI�T <br />Minneapolis, Minn., ._ . December fi ..................... ... ...i9.�7... <br />C <br />RECEIVED OF C�.eon Garlay _.. _ ... . .. _ ... .......................................... <br />_... .. ._ _ _ _ . <br />: the sum of ..... 011e Thotteand .ai3d--------�-...... . .... . _ ��,,.�-� _ (� �..,Q9Q...Q�....) DOZLARS . <br />, . _ . _. -,--M . <br />`- ••••..•.:.:. ............ .. Ch�Clc _. as earnest money and in part payment for the purchase of property at <br />• (Check, Cnsh or vote—State �Vhtch) <br />; � ...........:...UpS.....Highway 8 Na�h . oP CQwat�r..Rosd...._..��.�.............. ..... ... _...... ... . ._. _ ............................situated in the <br />`� - ,,:,.. County of ............. .....�BQj'. __ _.. . , State of Minnesota, and l�gally described as fullows, to-wit; <br />3'he N�rth 955 �eet of the south 7.285 feet of tr�t �rt of th� North�reat querter of Sectio� 5s <br />Town�hip 29, Range 23 R�mse� cotuaty, Minn�sote I.�ri�g West of a lix�e rtxnning North at righ�, angle�; <br />�o tbe �outh lirxx� of said nor�hwest quarter fro� � poiat tlhereon. Dist�nt 2078 faet ea�� f� the ` <br />�• including all storm sash, storm doors, detachable vestibules, screens, awnings, window shades, blinds (including venetian <br />blinds), curt�in rods, traverse rods, drapery rods, lighting hxtures, plumbing fiXtures, hat water tanl:s and heating plant <br />(with any burners, tanks, stokers and other e9uipment used in connection therewith) water softener (if the �roperty of <br />. s�eller), exteriot t�levision antenna, incinerator, dishwasher and garbage disposal, if an}', useci and located on said premzses � <br />� And including also the following listed personal property: <br />Sou��sw�et corn�r etc,, eccording �o C.�. Conit�r�� �oairvey May 5, 1967 � <br />' � all oE which property the undersigned as a ent for the owner has this da so(d to the bu er for th f <br />� <br />� g � y y e sum o ,<: <br />.......�3��h'�:� lhau�and arad---- _ _ 1,�8 (�$Q,Q.RQ.�AQ....) DOLLARS, .°' , <br />_..,-,.,�...—�,..�.�..��.�...�..�, � <br />which tf;e Luyer agrees to pay in the following manner: <br />Earnest money herein paid Sa.��AOaOQ .... and �..`��.�OQLi.e06� .., cash on or before vlo�ing....det0 . .......................................... '' <br />,:, <br />Th3.� ogfer ie contin�ent oa� the follo�ing: ', z <br />� �: <br />l. Btity�r obt�ining �onir� er�d buil.ding pe�ymite bg June 6y �96$ the clos3� detc�Y <br />�. <br />2. The �1A000.00 earn��t man�� is or wili no� be r�f�ixid�ble� <br />, .-a <br />Jd <br />, ;� <br />.:, <br />, �: <br />.. . . " ] -... , .. ...:�...+P <br />1 ` <br />` . ., � � , ,� ���� <br />1 <br />�i. <br />� _ �:. <br />SuSject ro performance by the buyer the seller agrees to execute and deliver a....._. .. ... .........y _��'� � :...g ..........�:...�'.--�'�arranty D�ed i;; <br />(to be joined in by spouse, if any) conveying marketaulc Ude to said premises sub�ect onl to the foliowin exce i s: i <br />{u Buildin� and zoning laws, ordinances, 5�1te and Federal regulations. �. <br />(b Restricuons relating eo use or �mprovement of premises not subject ro unteleased forfeiture. ;; <br />_(c Reservauon of any minerals or meneral rights to chc Shate nf Minnesota. .<' <br />d Utilitq easemrnts. � �*a <br />�(e Rights of tena�ts as follows: (unless specihed, not subject to tenancies). „� <br />., The �uyer shall pa� the real estate taxes due in the year 19.–��. and any unpaid insta]lments of special assessments payabte there�ith and <br />t�tiercafter. <br />��� The seller Further agrees to deliver possession not latec than.G.�.9.&�.D.� .(38�@ .......................... Provided that all the condidons of this ��;, <br />ugteem�at have been complird with, Unless othernise speci6ed this sale shall be closed on or before 60 days from the date hereof. � <br />In the event this property is destroycd or substantialiy damaged by hre or any other cause beEore ehr closing date, this agreement <br />. shall become null and void, at the purchaser's option, and all monies paicl hcreunder shall be refunded to him. <br />` The buyer and se!!er also mutually agree that pro raea adjust� nts pf rent interest, insuranie and city water (and in the case of <br />income properry current operating expenses) shall be made as of..__ ..._C.l�.QB].Il�...�.�t8 _._......._. _..._ . ...... .........................................___._........._..... <br />Th: seller shall, within a reasonable time after approval of [his agreement, furnish an ahstract of title certified to date (or a Certificate <br />, of Title and t�egi�tered Pro perty Abstract) both slso to include proper searches eovering bankruptcies, and State and Federal judgments <br />and litns. The buyer shall be ailon•ed 10 days aftec receipt thereof for examination �f said title and th� making of aay objections thereto, <br />said objectior_s ro be made in writing or deemed to be waived. If any objections are so made the seller shall be allowed 120 days to malce <br />such title marketable. Pending correctioa of tide ttte paymrnts hereunder required shafl be postponed, but upon correction of dtle and <br />_'• ��ithin 10 days nfter «�ritten notice, the buyer shall perfiorm this a�reement according to its terms. <br />If said title is not marketable and is not ntade so within 1?0 days from the dare of written objections thereto as above provided, <br />' �° 'this agreee�rent shall be void, and neither priocipal shali be liable for damages hereunder ta the other principal and all money theretofote <br />r p�id by the buyrr shall be refunded; but if the ticle to said property bc found markecable, ur be so made a•ichin said time, and said buper <br />� shsll defiault in any of the agrrrments and continue in default fot a prriod of 10 da}•s, then and in that case the seller may terminate this <br />conustt, and on such tern�ination all the payments made upon this contract shall be retaine�' by said seller and said agent, as their respec- <br />' U�•e interests may appear, as liquidaced d:unaGes, time being of the essence hereof; but this provision shall not deprive either party of the <br />risht oE rnforcing thr sprcihc performance of this contra�-t provided such co�tract shall not be terminated as aforesaid, and provided adeon <br />ro enforce such specific performanie shaJl be commenced a•ithin six months after such right of action shall arise. <br />� It is undtrstooci and agreed that this szle is made subject to the appro�al by the owner of said premises, in writing which approv�l <br />a�ene h�____..._.. .. 5... __ 4sy� co obcain, and that the undenignsd agent is in no manner 1ia51e or responsibfe on account oE this agree- <br />ment, e+ccept to retura or aciount for the earnest money paid under this cantract. <br />� � The delivery of all papers and monies shall b� made at the ofFice <br />� of 1�70 Inglne�n Rd e St e Feul � MiY1n ' <br />m <br />I, the undersigned, owner of the abo�•e lanci, do hereby ap- <br />pror•e che above agrecment and the sak thereby made. <br />/� 1 , . , <br />,�}�-'^ . , n % r <br />. t 1 o�/�/i/ � / � � l� � �>• j/ <br />.L'c.� , r �._ c.1 c .�.�-� < <br />.._._;r,...____.._...-.---._��___... . . . __ �sEAL) <br />Seller <br />� �-"' ! � ' / <br />' �' - - -----. . . - -- <br />1 f._ � �" � _ _ _ _.. . � SEAL ) <br />. <br />�—_ _ _ .. -- --.._ _.._ <br />� i <br />a <br />; <br />= <br />By .. . . ......_..._ ...__......._---As�t <br />I hereby aFree u purchase the said properry or the price and { <br />upon ehe �n�s ��•e mentioned, and, subject to all con�itions h <br />herein e�r�sed�� y7 A 'x <br />_._ _. . �.! _` _ _ .__ .... <br />Bul'zt' <br />--. ..- – - - <br />_ _.._ .. <br />Buyer <br />__ ( SEAL ) <br />( SEAL ) <br />