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2. <br />3. <br />4. <br />5. <br />,'� <br />7. <br />�� 2 <br />' The E. l32 feet of the W. 1456 feet of the S. 330 fee� of the NW�, <br />' Se c. 5, T. 29 , R. 23 , sub j e ct to County Road C-2 , accor ding to sub j e cts <br />: rights acquired by the State of Minneso�a for highway purposes ancl <br />' excess control. <br /> record owners : Eugene R. Burns and Vicky R. Burr�s, <br />,, u;�� i;� , r, ��-- ���. husbar�d and wife, as joint tenants . <br />_ �._.,�.�•-�_..,,, � � �..�...,� :�� � , <br />.� ,� �� � �/ ;1 �� <br />The E. 8S feet of the W. 1.541 feet of the S. 330 feet of the NW�, <br />Sec. 5, T. 29, R. 23. <br />Appar.ent recard owner; Angeline iZ. Yaqui�to, divorced and <br />.� � �� `" �,r, �? �r�.4:Y:�, now unmarried . <br />.1 � �..,,,� �� - � �: " . . .. - , � f ._.M ,� ,� <br />;r <br />The E. 279 feet of the W. 1820 fee� of the S. 330 feet of the NW� of <br />Se c. 5, T. 29 , R. 23 , sub j e ct howe ve r to County Road C-2 . <br />Appar�nt re�ord owners : Robert �. Ja�:kson and He1en B. Jackson, <br />r s�� `; - w ��.ti.t� d� ; z�� � z- husband and wife , as j o int tenants . <br />c. � ,y j ti `l `'Se � <br />�t" <br />E. 161+ fe�t of W. 1984 feet of S. 330 feet of SE� of NW� of Sec, 5, <br />T. 29, R. 23, Ramsey Coun�y, �innesota. <br />Appaxent xecoxd owners ; Nick Antin�ozzi anci Dorothy A�tinozzi, <br />a�') ,� �,�,� Cs'.�C��°��:�=� his wife, as joint tenants. <br />� �.. 1� _ � , a.. �'.'t l� � _; 3 y ' `s ��� �L' <br />The E. 94 feet of the W. 2078 feet t�� the S. 330 feet of thE SE� of <br />the SW� of Sec. 5, T. 29, R. 23, Ramsey County,Minn�sota, subjsct to - <br />roads, and <br />The E. 85 feet of the W. 2078 feet of the N. 110 fe�t of the S. 440 <br />feet of the SE�, of the SW� of Sec . 5, T. 29 , R. 23 , Ram�ey County, <br />Minnesota, subject to roads . <br />(The above desc�iption is approximately that of Lots 9 and 1t7, <br />Bl�ck 4, Schier,a's Adclition which was vacate� on Oct. 11, 1961. <br />Apparent �:ecord oc�rner: Beatric� Antinozzi. __ ��, )� Z,.v C,��- � <br />�± � � ;i�;> � � �.- �'c <br />, ,. � <br />!� Tha t pa r t o f the NW� o f Se c. 5, T. 29 , R. 23 , de s cribe d a s fc� llows ; <br />;y Beginning at a point on S. line of said NW�, distant 2078 fF�et E, of <br />:; the SW corner thereof, thence N. at right angles to said S. line 1285 <br />;� feet, thence NE 245.8 feet more or le�s to a point distanc 857.14 feet <br />�� SE ot the center line of Trunk Highw�y No. 8 measured on a line running <br />'' SE at right angles to said center line from a point dis tant 1128 .34 <br />! <br />�� feet SW of the intersection �f said center line with the N. line of said <br />:� '�iW�, thence on a prolongation of aforedescribed line running SE, 502.34 <br />� feet more or less to the E. l�ne of said NW�,; thence S. on said E.line <br />; to SE corner of said quarter; thence W. on S. line thereof, 566.52 feet <br />�� more or less to point of beginning, excepting the S. 484 feet of the <br />;; E. 270 feet thereof, and excepting a strip of land lying 60 feet �. of a <br />�' line �istant 207$ feet E. of the SW corner of sai.d NW� from the N. line <br />' of County R�ad C. to the S. line of sewer easement ex�isting, together <br />'�� cvith a11 rights reserved by Edcaard B. Troseth or his estate in a drive- <br />i� way or raadway easemEnt over the E. 33 feet of S. 484 feet af said NW�; <br />f <br />;; and together with a driveway or roadway easement over the NE ly 30 feet <br />of that part of said NW4 lying SW of land conveyed to N��thern States <br />'` Po��rer Co .(as recorded in "904" Deeds 386)and lying between land herein <br />; conv�yed to Esther Jacob and Trunk Highway No. F3; together with �he <br />`: right, shared with Clara Jacobs, to fu11 use of 2 of the 3 crossings <br />; descrihed in deed recorded in "904" Deeds 386; subject to highway <br />� easement for County Road "C2". <br />,; <br />Apparent record owner: The Minnesota T�'ansfer Railway Company, <br />, ,� <br />(riinn. Corporation) <br />_ �_. > . ti. _. - � � � <br />� <br />