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w.,� e�o euor.�,u►�cv��S co. sr, r.�ui. - <br />tNiS CONTRACT APPROVED 8Y 5T. PA�D OF REAC,TORS, INC. AHA BY THE EXECUTIYE C�IL OF THE RAMSEY COUNIY BAR ASSOCU1TIOfd IH 1965 <br />JAY BL�Ni� REAL']cY CO. <br />1708 N0. SNELLING AVE. PHONE 645-5581 <br />ST. YAtJL, 117INN. 55.113 <br />EARNEST NION�Y C�NTRACT <br />� � , - �� � � � � �_—, Minn., � io :, '�'' <br />RECEIYED OF �� <br />th� tum of— t �' _ ' ' � � <br />�~�n ^ � --� ff0J[�fi <br />� - � � f ` , i' � , •s earne�Q mone aed In srt � <br />(CAeck, Cash or Nate — State WAIcA) b P Dayment !or tAe purclsss� �of ptopest�r <br />i � <br />-1 a� /-� ,+,a� � C,��.i:r ��l ��c� (r ?. <br />tltu�ted In the Counh oi �` �.'< <:� :'� r , Sht� of Minne�ots, and leplly d�a�eriDed as iollo►ra, to wlt, <br />'t., . <br />� ..`; <br />tntluding Qarden Dulbs, pianfs, shroes and 4rees, all storm sasA, storm doore, detachaDle restfbules, screens, awnings, wlndow sAedes, bltnds (Ihcit�dlnQ reneN�n bilnds), eurtrin rods, <br />tnrerse rods, drapery rods, Iighting fixtures, plumbing ftztures, hoi water tanks and heating ptent (wlth eny burners, t�nks, stokers �ad ather equlprt;cnt used in co�nestion tA�rew{thj, <br />wtter aoftener and Ilquld gos tank and cuntrois (if the property oi selier), exterior televlslon aatenna, Incinerator, dishwesAer and garbage dlsposal, Dullt•In oveas, tooh•top �tcnres, alr , i r <br />condltioning eQulpment, carpetint, atair carpeting, and other bulit•in utllity equlpment used and located on u!d premises exce pt �� `��,.• �� ",-„ � <br />ti7 / I ��� �r ,� � �_ <br />1• <br />5+ <br />rll �f wAlth property the un� rsi`neA, es agent 4or/ the setlee,/h�s thls dar sold to the buyer ior the ium oI~ �"� `� ���' -�• j' �� ��� �;'� r �=f, � ,' <br />!i.',��'',r r.' ��Y' /��.l���i1...,..� �9•, i ,r � ? /.., .,. ' „I• . ;. <br />(�--s-- y. U � �3 u..� , <br />) O O L L A R S, w h lc h 4 he buyer �`rees to pay in ths followin� manner� <br />Earnest money Aereln qald (� -�� c1.7 • G C;� ynd g//, c, ;1 n. o G GfA, on or Detore _•<«ll E' /� 7; �. /�'�: ,i;=- � ; <br />,, / ` ? � k n l:-..�, . ' <br />�.5 t? /.9;:' Gt L� ��, �c? cT. Gd� /> 71 !.'� .5�� u lrr� iv.:i a7l .� s li.,. 7- ;iYl iY t i r, �.� � �ri' te �+:fr t'�� f i� �i %� <br />j// � 1 � t, �.C„ <br />% [ y�^/ � ' -C /O��7/ 9,! � Ct� �, �. �/ !) J � �'. <br />�%i)/�-i(Vd j / !" � C,�'i...r / ��!' C.�i�iys' QE /-.ljit�..� �i / [i° 7 ' � i� � `�IAMC'D /�� G /LrU V-j /'i�G r'rr j <br />! <br />� �, �i t� % a n��� � r{�• �� �; ! ��a .r i.. � fo tl.� S�-�i�.e ,�'a � i�:� J,� y r, � a, o o. <br />� C�, �, � . <br />c2. /� �' ='F v -C / $' S f q 7 � n .- � % �'> p � �' ts �r � r J ��� fa ! �� � �'_.w. / �/ Cf / �': r � � �� � %) A �1 l � ✓1 � �. <br />/�/ �/ / � C+ <br />; �)) (`�.1 ¢,\ � 1 . � 7! /i �J % t�� � D 17 p C� �''1' !J t� � a� � S' U� R.. !/' 9/� e Gf+' f i t _I 1 S i''1 G �'h i./G l <br />! �,/ <br />� j v � j c � J / � -t i� /f ! f j , �:: / ! _ '1' ��`_^ •l. G-<i Q Gt-.. h o � I iY.�P c.6�! -�. �'' •. <br />�• � <br />Warrmnt� Deed �to Da 1olned In <br />suCJect to pertormance by 4ha buyer tho salter agrees to execute and deliver <br />Ay spouse, If (e;) RE4Bfvlatansrottanyaminetals or`ml�no alsrights tocthe Statetof Mlnnes�o aexceptlons, <br />(b) Rights of tenants as harelnatter set farlh� <br />Seller cavenants that bufldings, If any, are entirely wlthin the �oundary Iines of the property. <br />Taxes payable in the year <br />shall be_ ' � <br />Spadal assessme��ts including water irontage tax, if any, lor work completed on site prior to daie of thls offer shall he pald by the seller. <br />Atl ot�er special assessmenls, if any, shall De paid by the buYer. <br />Seller warrants that he has no knoriledge of any planned improvements whleh may result in special assessments excepA provlde� that all th� <br />Tne seller further agrees to deliver eclual possess(on on or beior �, ,, r<�, ,. ,i / � <br />eonditioos of this ag�eemenl hava been complied with. This sale snall be closed on or belor � - � , ' -' <br />io•rata ad <br />ustments of Interest and city water (and, In tha case of income property, turrent operating expenses and �ents) sh�li ba <br />ree that 1 <br />The Cuyer and seller also mutually ag P <br />aajusted as o1 <br />In tt�e event this properry ts destroyea ar damaged by iire or any �ther cause Defore the clasing date, this a¢reement shall become null and roid, at the purchaser's optlon, and al) `, <br />monies paid hereunder shall be refunded to said purchaser. <br />Ths seller shali, withi days after approval oi this ag�eement, Purnish an abstract of iitle certified to date or �eglstereA property rep�rt to lnclude <br />groper sea�ches covering levo'dann obe clion thereto, satid objett�ionslt0�be made�inawdit geor�deemed�tto be wlaeved7lfeany object'ons are� odmade theaselleresha�il beeallowed 120 daatito <br />of sa�d title and the making Y 1 <br />make such title marhetable. Pend�ng corre:tion of litle the payments hereunder required shall be poslponed, but upon correction of title and withln 10 days ntter wrltta� noticQ thereo , 1he <br />Dvyer snall perlorm th�s agree�ent according to its terms. <br />If said title �s ���"'eskhe�eunderdto the ther D�� cipa�l and�all y ooey theretofore+paidtby thejbuyer shall ba�efundedeDut ifdihe t tle to said properh� be lound marketa�`,le, or� be sa <br />shall �e I�abie tor d K <br />made with�n said time, and sald Euyer shall defautt in any ot t�e agreements and continue in de(autt for a pe�iod ot 10 days, then and In that event the seller may terminate lhis cunVact, <br />and on such �ethereuf� butlt� s paouisi�en sthtll not deprive either part�y� of the �ightbofsenrorcing the peciic perlormanee(of this�contraet pro OedP u h�conlract sha/ not be term nat�:l�as <br />of tne essence <br />atoresa�d, and prov�ded action to enforce such sVecific performance shall be commenced within ,ir. months aiter such rlght of action shall arise. <br />7�is contract c�rWins the entire agreement between the partles, and neither party has relied upon any verbal representations, agreements, or undetstandlnQs no4 sot lorth herein <br />whetner mase �y any agent or garty hereto. roval e ent he� ----days to <br />itis ur,derstood and agreed that this sale Is made subject to the apDroval by the seller ot sald premises, in writinr whlch app B <br />pptaln, and that t�e undersignzd agent Is in no manner IlaDte or responslble on accoun� of thls agreement, except 4o return or account lor the earnest money pald under thl� contraet. <br />The Gelivery oi all papxrs and manles shall Ce made at tAe oKce al <br />i, tha unQersigned, seller of the aDovm land, do AtreDy apD«e <br />iAe a0ore a�reement and the sale thereby made. <br />nar <br />�allar <br />AY BLANK REALTY CO. <br />er <br />I hereDy agroe to purcha�s the a:ld propertr Por ths vtlt� and upon tn� hreu <br />tbov� maatfoneQ. <br />suY�r . <br />9uye► <br />1HiS IS INTENOEU TO BE A�EGAI.I.Y BiNDING �Oi�fTRACT, fOR LE6A1 t1DYI�E IN CONHECTION �11TH THIS TRANSACTIOH, CQNSULT '�OIIR LAWYER. <br />