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Village Council of R,oseville <br />-2- <br />May 12, � 9 61 <br />which are designed for commercial purpoae� on the land hereby <br />conveyed. The private dwellings �bove r��ntioned shall have a <br />cost value af noi less than $45t�0. 00 each. <br />2. No buildings shall be erecteci wiihin �� fe�t �f th� E: <br />line of 1Vla�ion Road. <br />3. No pEraons of any race other than caucasian shall <br />uee or Qccupy any buildinga on the �bove deecribed premises, except <br />that thie coven�nt shall not prevent occupancy by domeatic servants <br />of a different race domicil�d with an owner oY• tenant. <br />4. Buildings mu�t bp completed as to the exter7.or thereof <br />wYthin 6 months from the date of commencing construction. <br />5. No t��.iler, ba�ement, tent, garage, barn, or other out <br />building erected on pr�miees shall at any time be used as a r�sidence, <br />nor shall amy structure of a temporary chara�ter be uaed as a resid- <br />�nce. <br />Restrictions 1, Z, 4 and 5 appe�r to be reasonable ancl noi an undue <br />burden upan the title or use, and since they are laind�ng upon the <br />applicant, the plating thereof must be accomplished �ubject to <br />theae restrictiana. <br />I hav� been informed on the final plat tY�e middl�e initial of Gerald <br />Lee does not appear. Before the plat can be filed, the rniddle <br />initial of Gerald Lee �should be inserted, aasuming it to be one <br />in th� same person. <br />Joining with Gerald Lee a�nd Joanne V. Lee on the final plat appears <br />the name Joaeph Lees. His interest, if any, does nc�t appear or� the <br />abatract furniahed us. Furth�rmore, it does not appear if he is <br />znarried or single, and if married his wife's name does not appear. <br />This plat would not be considered for filing until the following were <br />done: <br />1. The midc�le initial i.nserted fo� Gerald Lee. <br />