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� <br />� <br />� <br />1�,� <br />�,,,�:,� <br />.. <br />March 8, 1990 <br />David Johnson <br />Suburban True �alue Hardware <br />1930 N. Lexington Avenue <br />Roseville, trIIJ 55113 <br />� ` Dear Mr. Johr�son; <br />I received your r�cent applic�tfon far a special use pe�rmi�t �or <br />_�,autside sales. i hmve r�eviewed the applic�tion and found that <br />t.i1� fallawfng information is missinc�: <br />1. A site plan is a�eee�ed clearly showing the area cn your sfte <br />whe�e outsi�e merc3�andisinq end s�les wfll occur. <br />2. �bstractar�s �er�fiicate listinq tne name� o� o�rners ag land <br />within 350 f�et �f ti�s iao�ndaries of y�+u� prop�rty. i�a will <br />a�lso need thg r�a�ae$ aa�d addr��se� whic� a�pear on �he <br />certi�icm�� c�n msil�ng 1�b�ls. �hi� �artiffca�e car� ei�her <br />b� �btai��d fro� Ra�se� Counk� �s�ract Cleack ��c E�om any <br />titl� �flm�►any. I caa�not p�oc�s� your ap�lfcatio� ur�til I <br />r��aive �.�:is in�orm��fon. <br />��a�ve a�18o not soce,ived the va�,iarac� �,pplica�ion whicta y+ou w�re <br />�� proviete me �or�c�rninq ��a� curbing �nd parkinq lot location. <br />Plea�e �t�b�aft t.hh�� a�a�if�ca�tion l�y tt�e end o� M�rc�. <br />IP yo�a h�v� �tny ques�ions con�ernin� thee�a m�tt�rs, p1�a��Q feel <br />�x�r� �o Got�t�tc� me a� 494i22�64 <br />��17C�Y�8�� r <br />� 1 <br />�A i � 4 <br />; �,F�'t� ,�� ����,�"- <br />Rick Jopke <br />P� anning ar�d Zar�inq <br />eit� og �o�eville <br />:�f <br />Adrninistrator <br />'����t) (:l`'IC� �'I:\'i'E;l� l)1�1\'i: � !�O,4i�.1'II.I,1: • �Il\\I•:tiO'I',y � ;;11,3 • t,l?•�����.,,t��► <br />