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. <br />. <br />• <br />� <br />same standards as sheds and detached garages �setback <br />height, etc.), <br />3• The City could attempt ta eitY��� prove a violation of a PCA <br />noise standard which would be difficult because �:E the <br />limited time of usage or to t.ry �o enforc� the general noise <br />provision o� �he noise ordinanceo <br />because of the lack of a specific st ndard,�uld be difficult <br />4• The City could amend its ordinance ta require t�at a special <br />use permit be obtained for skatebvard ramps i� R-1 and R-2 <br />zoning dis�ricts. This ordinance am�ndment could include <br />standards such as location of ramps, dis�tances from propert� <br />Zin�s, size xestrictions screening requirements and hours <br />of use limitations. � <br />5. The City could amend i�� o�dinance tp <br />ramps in R-1 anr� R-2 zoning distric�s based i� the �r�oi.5e <br />impact or� adjacent properties, <br />6• The �ity could p�ovide suci� activity i� publlc <br />' park� �5 an <br />alternative to private ramps in res�den�ial properties. The <br />City shou�d, hawever, look at the �.nsurance and liability <br />impacts o� this alternative before moving �orward. <br />I wou].d suggest th�t the �ouncil review �this matter and advise <br />staff which al�ernative, if ar�y, they Wc��ald like staff �o explort� <br />further. <br />