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� �..�,i . : - <br />� �j < <br />•II <br />5� � <br />. <br />;, <br />� : <br />:i : �. <br />,;�� ; <br />�, � ;:, � �,, <br />,-.. <br />�;�� �, 1; <br />;`�,�� �, <br />;�i;���:.� i <br />. �kj �� �'� <br />z <br />{���i.i�j�;i I <br />;.f'�� ti �, �, . ' <br />, i ,r� �., <br />; ;, ;�;.:�; ;I <br />n;r� � � 1',',; � � �; <br />.��� � ,, <br />�a � �,�� ; s . <br />: �, � .1 � I <br />�;�i',tii'. { �� ' ; �. <br />.';��I � i . <br />, t,, , ; f <br />�, ��' <br />;- <br />� <br />LJ <br />l�'� . <br />�.� <br />January 22, 1990 <br />; Mr. Roger Jensen <br />� Peterson, Bell, Converse & Jensen <br />,2100 American National Bank Building <br />� <br />101 E. Fifth Street <br />.St• Paul, MN 55101 <br />Dear Mr. Jensen: <br />r• <br />� <br />When the C�ty approved the proposed expansion of Paviliora P]:ace <br />Shopping Center at 1665.County Road B2, it placed a condition on <br />;that appr�val that American Street be vacated as a publa.c ri ht- <br />of-way sulb j ect to tl�e �,ppropriate easem�nts and a g <br />affected property owne�s to insure continued use as pp�����s of <br />roadway. In reviewing American Street, it has been a� internal <br />that there are roadway e�sements vs. dedicated right�ofmwa�� <br />Please advise rne of the pre�p�r procedure �ae should follow in this <br />case to v�cate the right-of-wa ' <br />Y(1•�. motion to releas� easements <br />vs. resolution to vacate easemen�sj. <br />If you have aray questians, p1��se feel fr�ee to contact m� at 490- <br />2236. <br />Sincerely, <br />�, f <br />Rick Jo�ke <br />Planning and Zoning Administrator <br />City af Roseville <br />:�f <br />?t1G0 CI�'IC C�';\'I'I;R lllZI�'I: • RQ,�I:�'II,I.I: + ,1II\�1;St)1:-� � .>.�11,� . 61?-,�c�0.»�)0 <br />