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1 A <br />r ` <br />� ,1 <br />{ �, <br />I <br />I` <br />j 1 <br />1 r I ' . <br />� ;; <br />;, <br />,�. ; , <br />� <br />.� �, <br />;, ; <br />�.� : ; <br />,, <br />„; . , <br />,` t;, ' , ; �, � <br />; li� � �:,�� � <br />,� � ��, <br />�`� 1 ',��i <br />,� �' � <br />;.,' -��� <br />;� ,:: <br />, ,i i ;�` <br />1r.i:l,, <br />i ,,:; 11,,, + . <br />�:,,,��, ;i , <br />: �, <br />'�'� � �� <br />.j.,.;��`,�I , : <br />�;�,' I'� <br />;� � <br />� <br />1�,� <br />•�.� <br />January 22, 1990 <br />Michael Daugherty <br />Parsinen, Bowmann, and Levy <br />100 South 5th Street <br />Suite 1100 , <br />Minneapolis, MN 55402 <br />Dear Mr. Daugherty: <br />�ity staff has reviewed the recent materia� yo�a sent to us <br />concerning roadw�.y easemen�s affecting Lot l, Block 2, Roseville <br />Center First I�ddition. Mr. Do�ug Strong from the City's Public <br />Works Department has reviewed �he easements and listed his <br />comments in� t'he attached mem�arandum. In finding n�amber 5, it is <br />pointed out that apparently one of two easements affecting this <br />property w�re not inaluded in your list. Thes� roadway easements <br />show up on the Ramsey County section map. These easements are <br />shown in yellow on the at�ached map. It is suggested that yau <br />revi�w the tnrrence title on the pr4perty in �questcion so as the <br />statu� of the easements shown on the section map �an be <br />determined. <br />Or�ce all the easements have been identified, City staff wi�l be <br />contact�ng �he Ci�y Attorney's office to determine t�e prop�r <br />procedure far vacating �hese easements, <br />When the Ci�y Council approved this project, one of the <br />conditions on the approval was th�� American S�treet be vacated as <br />a public right-af-way subject to the appropriate easements and <br />approvals of aff�ected property own�rs to insure continued us� as <br />ax� internal raadway� Prior tQ vacating the stxeet, the City wil�. <br />need evidence tha� the app�opriate easem�nts are in piace to <br />insure continued us� as an internal roadwa�. <br />If you have any q,uestior�s, please feel iree to contact me at 490- <br />2236. <br />Sincerely, <br />Rick Jopke <br />Planning and Zoning Administr�tor <br />City of Roseville <br />� <br />•cf <br />?GGU CI�'IC CLI�''1'L[Z DR[�'I�. • I�OSI:�'II.I�f: • \(1\'\TI:SCYI:\ • »113 • t�l?--E90•??OO <br />