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a. • ryu` <br />� <br />U <br />EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />* * * * * * * � * * <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the <br />City Council of the City of Roseville, County of Ramsey, Minnesota <br />was duly held on the 8th day of January -, 1990, at 7:30 p.m. <br />The following members were present: Johnson, Thomas, Cushman, <br />Maschka, and Rog, and the following were absent: Ncne. <br />Member Johnson introduced the following resol.ution and moved <br />its adaption: <br />RESOLUTION NO. �529 <br />RESOLUTION REQUESTING ONE YEAR E�{TENSION OF DUE DATE FOR REVIEW OF ° <br />THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE'S COMPREHENSIVE �LAN �OR CONSISTENGY <br />WI�H AMENDED METR4POLITAN COUNCIL POLiCY PLANS <br />WHEREAS, state statutes (Minn. S�kat. 473.856� requires tha� cities <br />review their comprehensive �lans for con�istex�cy with Me�ropolftan <br />Council p�Yicy plans within nine mon�th� of the plans being submit�eci <br />to the City; and <br />� WFiEREAS, the Metropolitan Cauncil has amenc�ed its policy plans; a�nd <br />WHEREAS, the City og Rosevill�e is required t� review its <br />comprehens�ve plan for consistency with th� amende�i po].icy plans and <br />submit amendments to the Metrop�litan Council by January 10, 1990; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the City af Roseville has scl�edul�d and budgeted for a <br />major r�view and upda�e o� its cotnpzehensive pl,an in 1990. <br />I�OW, `�HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Rosevil].e regues�s <br />that the Me�ropolitan Coun�il qrant the Ci�y o� Raseville a one year <br />extension tQ the deadline to review its comprehensive plan for <br />consistency �rith the amended Metro�olitan Council p�li�r �lans and <br />submit any necessary plan am�ndanent� for review. <br />The motion tor the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly <br />secand�d by Member Maschka , and upan a vc�te being taken thQreon, <br />ths followinc� uoted in favor thereog: Johnson, Tt�oma�, G��hman, <br />Maschka, and Roc�, and the fo].lowing voted against the sam�: None, <br />W�IEREUPON said resolution was d�clared duly passed and adopted. <br />� <br />