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� <br />� <br />� <br />,January 9, 1990 <br />, <br />Dale Huber <br />Northwestern Mutual Life <br />Suite 1490 <br />8400 Normandale Lake Boulevard <br />Bloomingtort, MN 55437 <br />Dear Mr. Hub�r: <br />I'am writing in �egards to your r�ques� that the City accept a <br />letter o� c�uarantee in place of the landscape b�nd requirement <br />for ti�e Rosedale Mar}�etplac� Shopping Center at Cournty Road B2 <br />and Fairview�� I�e�nt �he mat�ri�ls �ou s�nt �ne re�ard�ng th,�s to <br />the City Attorney's office and he ha� advis�d me that a lette� of <br />guarantee would nat satisfy the requirea��nt af a landsca�e bond. <br />The City Attorney's office sai� that the only way t�at thQ l�tter <br />of guar�nt�e would be accept�d �as if the matt�r was brought b�ck <br />��Pore th� �it� Counci2 for an amendm�nt to the s�a�cial u�e <br />p�armit condition. �e furthex advis�d me th�t if it was ka.rought <br />back to the Counci 1, that h� �oulc� reca�mm�n�i aga� f n�t ik b�c��so <br />there fs no securi�y Por pe�far�en�� a� the c�uarantee i� th� <br />develop�x fails to p�rlo�m, <br />Based an th� Cit� At�o�xn��'s opin�on, we �till b� r�qu,�rir�g a <br />lar�dscape k�on�d. Tt�is bond wriil ne�c3 to be providc�d prior ta thc� <br />City issuing a c�x�i�ica�a a� o�cu��r�cy �or the �hoppinc� c@n�Qr. <br />S�` you 3��v�t ar�y ques�tions, p��A�� f�nl Px��� to cantact t�� �� A9�- <br />2�36. <br />Slncer�,ly, <br />�.,"'' <br />Ri�k 3opke <br />Planning and Zoning <br />City og itoseville <br />: c ;� <br />�diminist�ra�tor <br />?(,��t) (�1�'�(.: c:l;\"1'1:1� !)It!\'1: • lt(:)til�.\'(i.l.l�: • \li\\F:5O'1'.\ • �.�ll,� � r�l�--��IU-'?(�l) <br />