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0 <br />t <br />� <br />� <br />�J <br />8.290 <br />ZONING CODE <br />6. The following subdivisions of permitted uses in General <br />Business Districts under Section 8.330:� <br />3� Commercial gymnasiums, swimming pools and sk�iting rinks. <br />5.\�Blueprinting and photocopying establishment,� <br />6. T-' <br />� tering establishments. <br />� <br />7. C thing and costume rental shops. �..� <br />15. Ort opedic and medical appliance stor but not includ- <br />ing he assembly or manufacture of s� articles. <br />19. Pet s ops. <br />22. Record'ng, broadcasting or televis'°on studios. <br />23. Restaur ts including live enter inment and dancing. <br />25. Televisi and radio repair. <br />26. Dog kennel . � <br />27. Photography studios. ,/'� <br />7. Off-sale liquor s,tores not 1 <br />defined at Section��5.585. �s' <br />8. Day-care centers. <br />ted in shopping centers as <br />8.290. S ecial Minimum Re -irements for B-1B Districts. <br />Minimum requirements for �-1 Districts shall be the same as B- <br />1, except that the fol�'owin additional minimum re irements <br />shall apply in B-1B Dis�ricts:�� � <br />1. Front yard setba k shall be 3 feet. <br />. ,� <br />2. Side yard setb ck shall be 30 f t from any street right-of- <br />way, and 10 f�^et from any other �pt line. <br />3. There sha1J�''be no off street parkin� within 15 feet from any <br />street rir��t-of-way nor 5 fee�t from ' ny other lot line. <br />� � \ <br />4. There s�all be no exterior storage o exterior display of <br />mercha�dise. � <br />5. All buildings shall be finished on all�four sides with <br />cnn�istent quality. � <br />6. j \ <br />T�iree percent of the surface area of land wit �� in a parking <br />,area shall be landscaped with grass and or\ decorative <br />��'surface txeatm�nt, trees and shrubbery. � <br />7;: Site plans for all developments shall require spe�ial use <br />/ permit prior to issuance of building permit. ` <br />.� <br />.• <br />� <br />r <br />