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� <br />0 <br />� <br />� <br />�� <br />� <br />Sul_y �nd Au ust 1988 - Numerous �alls to Rosev�lle abor�t unsanitar c � <br />a7ong my home from dog. A Roseville employee checking c�nditions su �estt:�or.. <br />up a 5 ft, high privac,� fence against the "lot 18" chaii� link. I ha9e u�duI �ut . <br />portion of this up to the leased lan�. I shall cc�tinue on the other sid p <br />land in the spring but it would be so much better if it co�ld o str � � of leased <br />eni�re dog run. g ��ght a��ng the,.: <br />October '1988 - I have lost the lease wi�hout explanatinn but this w�s <br />to the Bel 1-4,lood mas ier pl an .��;; �� <br />CAP� YOU ANSk�ER THESE QUESTIONS? <br />(a) <br />(b) <br />(h) <br />accardin� <br />How� much has my home depreci ated i r� val ue? How �an I E�.xpl ai n t� a ro� ecti ve ' <br />bu,�er �ha�;� the south side c�f the h�use is impassable? � p <br />How ran a:;nowblow�r, lawr� modver gEt around to front? Northsid� ra�eds <br />cdns i derabl � wc►rk to m�ke i t� �s�bl e�, i t i s a di tch fo�r ; ots lba 1,7 �vater. <br />Haw can r�epai rs be made to s,ou�h s i de of my home' <br />Thi s i s al reaa�� an i ncorave�i� i�enGe t� meter rE;ader°. <br />F�ront entrance�;> (2 ) unusat�l �' for ��el i veri es ., <br />4,�hy � s�hE�re �i��ugh room on south s i de af l c�t 1� ta dri ve a huge v��n to 1 ake? � <br />�,lhy shoulc! I b�e cienied pa�;sage anci give a dog 3 more feet ��o run. This �s <br />��umi 1 i ati rig. <br />'ri ►^e dangpr, �urgl �rX dang�r. <br />NONE:; OF MY �EASON''i FOI� SIGNING RELEA.'.iE HAVE BEE�J HONORED., I CONSIDER IT �lOID. <br />WH/�µ� DO I I�IANI"? <br />i�'bJN ASKING r'OSEVILLf�, WHO,C:A�ZELESSI_Y AND WITHOUT THOUGH�T OR SENSITIVITY, ISSJED <br />A f,'�UILDING PERP�1I�" t�lITHOUT �lf)ESTION ��lHFPd CLOSENE�S IS CLE:AKLY MARKED, TO RESTORE <br />TF��_ THREE FEET AI.OPJG MY HOP�1E TF1AT IS IN QUES?ION ALL041IPJG h1E PASSAGE AND Cl�IAWCE <br />TfJ 6UILD A PR�;VACY FFNCE. <br />Eight feet are really mine wf�er� considering the fac� that all ihe other <br />�i��ghbG?^s �ffecl;ecl in �he� ��ame way are �njQy-in�g their a�ld bnundaries, bound�tr•ies <br />1.��a�t hav� existF�d proaably ov��r 50 years. THI� IS L)ISCRIMINATION. <br />T woul d prefe�r nat to enter i nt� a 1 aw sui i ai: thi s tirne. <br />I most slncer��ly i nvi te each o�ne afi you �to sto� at rny home and v � ew thi s mess . <br />(ine 1 ook woul ci far surpass thi> enti re 1 etter. <br />I �' ` � <br />.c,L�.t f � a.vuu-� �t <br />� � <br />���-/—///C. <br />