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� <br />. , <br />/ • �� �' <br />,i �.�.c� � �' 1 -' " ..✓ <br />� <br />J � <br />Plaintiff was not given notice that rhis matter would be addres�ed �;� <br />at the August 10 Council meeting; <br />C�� <br />2. Th�� matter wa�s not properly scheduled on the agenda, but was simply <br />addre�sed at the Council �e�tin�, so that �ven had Plainti€f or her counsel <br />contacted the City of Rosevil��e, they would have been told that th� matter was <br />� not scheduled to be heard at the August 10 Council meeting; <br />3. That Plaintiff believes was indicated to the City Council <br />n <br />� <br />by either the aetorney for the CiGy of Roseville or the building inspector nf <br />P1ainCiff'e clai�n of own�rship of L-he Occupier� Property, aithough both parties <br />were aware of Plaintiff's i�nterest; ' <br />4„ 7�hat the City Council approved a set back f rom th� northeasterly <br />lot line of Lot 18, as claimed to be owned by Defendants Wood, withouC knc+wledge <br />of Plaintiff's claim of ownership to a portion of that property; <br />5. That the six (6) foot set back approved by the City Council <br />me�sure� to thp southwesterly edge of Plaintiff's row of trees; and if <br />excavation takes place, Plaintiff believes it will destroy her trees and <br />significantly depreciate the value of her home; and if the home is c�nstructed <br />as ralled for in the plans submitted by Wood and as appr.oved by the City, it <br />t�iil be tantamount to a zero foot set back from what Plaintiff believes to be <br />he� southwesterly property line; and <br />6. That the plans submitted by Defendants Wood indicated twelve (Z2) <br />to fourteen �14) feet between Che house and the north�asterly line �f Lot 19, <br />indicating that the�e is ample room for Defendants Wood to shift the location of <br />the house southw�sterly, away f rom what Pl��in[iff claims to be her souChwesterly <br />property �ine. <br />— - - - � . _.._..� <br />—5� <br />� <br />