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� <br />� <br />�• <br />� <br />. <br />l�� z <br />`'�.� <br />September 19, 199� <br />Rent All Minnesota <br />2635 Rice Street <br />ROSeVille, MN 55113 <br />Dear Business Owner/Operator: <br />�, In �,989, �he Ci�y Council passed an ordinance relating to outside <br />' display and sales of inerchandise at businesses within the City. <br />� The new ordinance requires that all husinesses utilizing outside <br />storage and display of inerchandise stafflto abeg n enforcinge his <br />for such use. The council advised <br />ordinance beginning in 1990. <br />I hav� attached a copy of the revised ordinance €ar your <br />3.nformat�on. Please note that the new ordin Council tshall <br />criteria which the Planning Commission anci City <br />con�ider wh�n reviewing special use permits for outside display <br />o€ merchandise. There are seven criteria which are outlined <br />beginning at the bottom of tl�e first page of the ordinance and <br />�ontinuing <br />on the top of the second page. In applying for a <br />s�ecial use permit, you will �e required to provide information <br />rela�ing to t�ose seven cri�eria. Businesses interested in <br />u�ilizing outside display of inerchandise should apply for � <br />�pecial use permit no later than Octob�r 31, �.990. <br />of the special use permit application <br />I hav� al�o attached a�opy l�,�at�ons is <br />�or your use. The cieadline date each month for aPP �estions <br />the last working day of the manth. If you have any q <br />concerning the applicatian, please fsel free to contact me at <br />' 4�0--2836. � <br />Sincerely� <br />�^'e'w' �E%�'�—�'"�_ <br />Rick Jopke <br />Planning �nd Zoning Administrator <br />Cit�y o� Rosevill.e <br />: cf <br />?E�6U �CI�'fC CFNTER I)RI�T • RO�t:'l'II.LI: • �11\T�'ESOT.� • ;�113 • (�1?--��)U•'��U <br />