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� <br />� <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />Regular Meeting of the City Council - January 23, 1984. <br />The City Council met on the above date with the following <br />members present: Kehr, Curley, Johnson, Franke, and Demos. <br />biembers absent: None. <br />A-1 Curley [�ioved, Kehr Seconded, that the minutes of the <br />Regular Meeting of January 9, 1984, be approved. Roll <br />. Call, Ayes: Kehr, Curley, Johnson, Franke, and Demos. <br />Nays: None. <br />g_1 Kehr Moved, Curley Seconded, that Resolution 7580 giving <br />preliminary approval of an application for Industrial <br />Revenue Bonds by Thomas N. Jones and Alarilyn 0. Jones <br />Project, be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes: Kehr, Curley, <br />Johnson, Franke, and Demos. Nays: None. <br />g_2 Kehr P•loved, Curley Seconded, that the 1984-1988 Capital <br />Improvement Program be adopted. Roll Call, �yes: Kehr, <br />Curley, Johnson, Franke, and Demos. Nays: 1'one. <br />7:30 P.A9�. <br />rIINUTES <br />RESOLUTION 7580 <br />CAPITAL <br />IDiPROVEh1ENT <br />PROGRAAi � <br />g-3 Johnson i�toved, Franke Seconded, tliat ;�fargolis Brothers ,IAR' JLIS <br />Compatiy's request for special use permit to construct a BROTHERS COAIPANY <br />storage building at 295 Larpenteur Avenue be approved 4�itli <br />�lle following conditions: <br />1) T}le development occur in conformance lJlt}1 plans dated <br />January 9, 19Sd, and as revised January 16, 1934. <br />2) T}ie operation of the site be carried out in �ccordance <br />with a signed memorandum frorn Dtargolis arothers Company, <br />dated January 18, 1984, and as further required by the <br />City to establish liours of operation on Sunday from <br />12:�0 noon to 5:00 p.m., and that a conscious effort <br />be made toward keeping the appearance, noise levels, and <br />function of the site comp�tible �Jitli tlle res�.dential <br />areas to the nortli and east. <br />3) All changes and improvements indicated on tile lbove <br />plans and. memorandur.i be eampleteci by July 1, 1984; ancl <br />that such �han�es znd improvements be madc in good <br />taith and in a timely f�shion. <br />Roll C�11, Ayes: <br />Nays: �one. <br />I�@Il2•, Curley, Johnson, f rinke, anci Demos . <br />� <br />