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Correspondence 1990 Jopke
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Correspondence 1990 Jopke
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MEMO TO: Craic� Waldron <br />FROM: Rick Jopke <br />SUSJECT: Response to the Metropolitan Council System Statement <br />Concerning Transportation. <br />I met with John Shardlow on December 26, 1990 and we discussed the <br />best way to handle the response to the Metropolitan Council system <br />statement concerning transportation. j During this discussion we <br />concluded that if we are going to have a detailed traffic study done <br />by �RW, It doesn't make any sense to proceed with an interim comp <br />plan to respond to the system statement. It would make more sense <br />to com lete the t <br />I� ra f ' <br />f�.c study and then do a complete detailed <br />revis�.9n based on the study. <br />In that light Y woulc� prapose that we take the foll.owing actions: <br />1• Sencl the planning commission a copy of the system <br />� statement along with an exp�anation of how and why we <br />need to respond to it. We should a�lso outline the <br />proposed �raffic study and its timing, and that the <br />p].anning commission will be getting a revised <br />transportation element based on the study to rez�iew at <br />some t�ature date. The January 2, 1991 meeting of the <br />plar�ning commission can be canceled. <br />2. The city council should pass a resoluti.on requesting an <br />extension of the deadline to submit a�esponse to the <br />metropol.itan council system statement (3ohn indicated that <br />a majorit� af communxties in the metro area have not <br />responded yet). The extension would be based on the fact <br />that we a�e doing a detailed study which will result in a <br />revised transportat�on element. The council could a].so, <br />where possible, acknowledge in generic terms that� the <br />issues outlined in the system s�ate�ent will be addresseci. <br />3• I will then transmit the resolution to the Metropolitan <br />Council with a generic respanse to t,he points in �he <br />system statement. <br />I � <br />
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