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� , <br />t.. . ,, " <br />� <br />��: <br />CITY 4F R�S EVII.I.E <br />ORDZNANCE �14 . 10 6 3 <br />* � � ,� * � �r <br />AN �RDINAIdCE A�t�NDING SECTION 8.190 OF THL CITY CODE �F THE <br />CIi'Y O�' �20SEVTL►i.E k�GARDING OUTSIDE DISPX►AY pF MERCHI�Ni�iSE . <br />T�,� City Counci-i ot th� Ci�y o� Roseville, Minnesota, does <br />hereby ardaine <br />I. <br />Se�tiar� �.19�, �f tiz� City +Code c�� the City of Rosevill� is <br />g�reby amer�ded t� reac3 a� �ollows; , <br />a <br />g.1g0 Encl�sur of Ce aia $tisiness�s Rec�;,i�pd�._ .. <br />�7,) Al�. busin�ss, storage, service, r�paxr, pr��essing, or <br />merchandising display shall be canducted whvlly within <br />an �nclas�c� buzlding or behind a sal�..d fence not l�ss <br />t„3zan five (5) feet high excPpt for the fol� �wing uses <br />ar�d i.� accordance �ith the conditions he�r�in <br />sp�ci.fied. <br />(a) <br />(�) <br />4ff s�re�t parking and loading where per:^.z ��ad as <br />ac�essory uses. <br />Displ.ay of auto:nob:les and �rucks wr.e� e acces�ory <br />to authorized principal usQse <br />(2) Temporary outside display o� merchandise up tQ eight <br />{8) da�s a year can be approved thrvugh a tem�oraxy <br />�ermi� issued by t-.he Chief Cod2 En�orcement OfFice�c in <br />ariy o� the �ollowing business d�st:�c�s where�retail <br />sales are al�owed. �-Z, B-3. B'�+� and Shop��ng Center <br />�istzicts. <br />�3, The �u�s�de disp�ay of :�e=cr.and::se, excent as ccvex��d <br />in Section 8.19o(la and (2), is per:�_tted by s�ecial <br />use p�z^�it• �en cor�si�erinq any such special use <br />pez;ttit request the Ptznn:.nq Comraission and Cxty Cauncil <br />shall conszder the follo•�in� c� �.teria ta deter;7i:;e th.e <br />impact of ti�� prcoosed outsid� display on �h,e sz`e, <br />adjacent oroperties and �he co�r.r�unity as a t�thole: <br />1. <br />2. <br />7'he amount of autsid� sales ar�a c�:��ared �a �;;e <br />amount ot i.nslde sa�es space. <br />Location of the outside sales area and t"e exzer,t <br />it �ncroaches on required setbaek�. <br />