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J <br />#nt <br />� <br />� <br />V <br />2. <br />3. <br />20.155 <br />SUBDIVISI�NS <br />Reduce any required setback in violation of any <br />ordinance. <br />Reduce the size �of any parcel to less than approved <br />�or a building site in its appropriate zone. <br />2. Wh�re a conveyance of land daes not meet the requirements in <br />and does not create more than two new parcels <br />, paragraph 1, the Council may waive such <br />of land for buildinc� sites, <br />compliance. <br />Far ar� owner or subdivider to divide any tract o� land under <br />Paragraph 2 of this section, he shall file with the �ouosed <br />four (4) copies of a plan s�o�ing th� tract and p P <br />division, and pay a fee according to Sectinn 15.030. <br />20.145. Pr�cedure for Varianc�s. <br />Any applicant for a variance pursuan�t r ances to the Zon�i g Code <br />shall comp ly wi t h t h e p r o c e d u r e f o r <br />as set forth in Sectioa� 12.040, <br />except the Planning Commi.ssion <br />shall not hold a pu b lic h e a r i n g u n t i l the Public Works Director <br />submits a written repor.t on the effect of the variance on <br />clrainage. <br />20.150. Record af Plats. <br />All such plats of subdivisions, after the same h shallebe <br />submitted and approved as provided th� reCordshoftthe City. <br />filed and kent by the Manager among <br />20,155. Park Deciication. roval of any subdivision of land in <br />1. As a condition to the app o� a variance pursuant .to <br />any zone, including the granting <br />�: site is created in excess <br />Section 20.140 when a new bL.lding ro�al af planned unit <br />caf one acre, and includir�g aP ortion dedicated to the <br />devel.opments, there shall be a P i�Iinnesota Statute <br />public for use as a park as provided by <br />462.358, Subdivision (2) (b), or in lieu thereof, a cash <br />iven to the City to be used for park purposes all <br />deposit g' <br />as hereafter set forth. <br />2. The portinn to be dedicated in a�l�residentially zoned ares <br />shall be 10 percent, �nd 5 p�rc�nt in all other areas. <br />3, Land dedicated for <br />utilities, including <br />dedication. <br />required street right-o�-�ay a�k <br />drainage, does not qualify as p <br />� 133 <br />