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` � , <br />� <br />THUMAS, KING. DAUBNEY! SYV�NSON & COLLATZ <br />AT70 R N EY S AT LA'+N <br />I100 P10NEEii BUILDlN�3 <br />CAPITAL 4� 7461 <br />SAINT PAUL I,MIt�lNESOTA <br />PAUL C.TMOMAB <br />6[OROC C. RIN6 <br />JOMN E. QAU9N[Y <br />CA:iL A. SW[NSON ' <br />KptqERICK A. COLLAT2 A <br />RFCOCRICK P: SRAD/'C RO �CEID�PrT V� 1960 <br />OFCOUN6CL <br />T�h� Honorable Village Council <br />V'i]lage of Roseville <br />27p1 Lexington Avenue North <br />. St. Paul, Minne�ota <br />..:, <br />Gentlemen and Madam: <br />`� The underaigned, George Reilir�, is the o�mex,of th� premises at the <br />7 N'arthwe�� corner of C,ounty Raad '"C" and Lexington Avenue in the Village o�' <br />` Ro�ev�ll.e. A pxevious application dated November 22, 1960 had been submitted <br />- �o `youx Honorable Bo�.y to re�one these pre,�ises and the same had been re�ex�.ed: <br />tra �he P�.rYnirzg Commi�sion for inves�igat�an an,d report. It had nr�w been deter- <br />mined'tlaat.�the le�al deacriptian as given in that application w�,s i�correct and <br />it ia n,c�W reoyue�te'd that th� undersigned be permitted to withdraw this �revious <br />appl.ication and tY�t you xeceiVe this letter as a new �pplication. <br />Y_; �-. <br />The premi�es�involved are as follows: <br />The Fa�t 669.7$ feet o�' th�,t part o� the East one-half of <br />the 9outhea�t quarter �E.� of SF,�� o� S�ction 3, Township <br />29 j Range 23, 1.y3ng North of the center line of County Roa.d <br />' "C", as it is �►resently laid out, except the East �+0� feet <br />o�' the $outh $2� �eet thereoi. <br />It is requested that these premises be rezoned from R-1, Residential <br />District to Shopping Center Business Diatrict zoning. <br />Tt is requested the,t your Honorable Bady refer this ap�lication to <br />the PLann:tng Board by resolution. <br />�espectf'ully submitted, <br />^ <br />, <br />_ lf� � <br />_ Geo e Reiling <br />� � �� <br />;�..� � ,� ,. q � <br />�. � �� <br />�� � <br />/ <br />