__ __ _ _�,� -- _..r..� _ ___ �. - ___,._.__ .__.-_,.�.___ _.,..,�,..,�-..__ ____ __ � . _ __......�--.-�
<br />� �
<br />19.
<br />✓
<br />20.
<br />� �1:�
<br />(3 22:i
<br />23:�
<br />✓
<br />24.
<br />✓
<br />�5.
<br />�.
<br />26.
<br />���1��...1��
<br />�.�.,MS��r �C���NT� .�.�STR�.CT QF' T�TL�
<br />John C1ii#'�x� �a�gh � n�t�I��n i�P�c�, hexeban� & r�ifP � are Lhe Q�VI^iPY'9
<br />of : I,ot 7, Bl�ok 2, Nor th Rld �e Plat 1. �� 3� �.�-.,,;�.�,,�,� •�
<br />v�`C
<br />F�i�rin John R�ber & Evelyra M Reb�r, hu�band & wifP are thP owner� o�';
<br />S�t 8, Blook 2, North Rid�e Pir�t 1. 2'� 30 +�, �.�.. �
<br />��
<br />Re�uben V Johr�son & B�rniee ��'oh,ri��n, htasband �C wife� are the own�rs
<br />of : Ls�t 9, Blook 2, Nor th �id ge PZat 1 � 2'1 24- N�.
<br />Don�ld �iuir MoCullovh & Beverl J M�Cu ��
<br />ownere of: Lat 10, Block 2, North Ri3�elPlat lu4btidl& w�fP, are the
<br />Ho�arri �I l�ollari � ' ��
<br />& Be�tj�y J Po�.lari, husband & wife, arP the otivners of e
<br />Lot 14, Hlock 3, North R�d�;e Plat 2. � 1 q � yu , �
<br />_Reuben Dew�yne Bonin & Leota L Honin, hu�bAnd & wife, are the ou�ners
<br />�'--�-��t 15, Biock 3, Nor�th Rid�e P1at 2. 2� qc� ��
<br />Kurt P�ahneider &�BevPrly N! 9ohneider, husb�nd & wif
<br />of: Lot 16, Blook 3, North Rid�� Plat 2, � e� are the owners
<br />� o s' �v , �.."�
<br />Artn�ar p Finholt & Anna 9 Finholt, husband & wifP, are the own�rs of ;
<br />L°$ 1?� Bloak 3, Nortn Rid�;e Plat 2,
<br />27•� Riohar�3, Wayne Elliott & Grace � El
<br />�f : Lot 16, �lock 3, North Rid�e�
<br />28• Stanley Crarr,ner Knox & Flore
<br />of : Lot 19, B1ock 3, North Rid�e _
<br />��. Wal�er Lambert DornfPld,& Loi�
<br />owner� of: Lot 20, Block 3, I�Tor,
<br />30:
<br />�
<br />31.
<br />✓
<br />32.
<br />✓
<br />33..
<br />✓
<br />34.
<br />. ✓
<br />' 35.
<br />✓
<br />�36.
<br />37�✓
<br />3�.r �
<br />tt, husbt�nd &�rife, are the o��merg
<br />n
<br />2. 2 g I 9 Y� ,�..�w�,�"`C�
<br />husband & wif�, are �he owner�
<br />. � 2 $ 2 "1 � , ' �
<br />;- nf eld , hu8band & wif e, are the
<br />�' � -�� t � • �.- 4' 3 3 rv , ��•.�"�'�
<br />Eu�ene Jo�eph Topitzhof�r & Ar ys� ��p�:�-�of�r, hu�band
<br />the ownPr� of: Lot 21, Blook 3, North Rid�e Plr t 2, 2.�39 wife, are
<br />N , �'1..�����, -
<br />H�'x'n',�n H Hardin� &�'veZyn L Harding, hueband & �uife, are tne ownP
<br />Lot 22, BIQek 3, North Rid �;e plat 2. , rs of :
<br />2 � 41 N , ��`�.,`
<br />William R Her�;strem & 9arA SanP Bergstrom, husband & wife, are the
<br />own�rs of : Lot 23, Block 3, Nc�rth Rid �e Plat 2. 2, 8�3 N,�-�'
<br />Howard Fr�.lr Te�,rin & Lorr�.ine E�earin ��
<br />cis C' husband & wife, �,re the
<br />� o�nera of e Lot 24, B1ock 3, North Ridge Plat 2, � 9�,�� •
<br />`� � � N , "' _�,,�`,�.'
<br />Jerry C F�.ana�;An & DolorPs Fl.anagan, husband & tvif e, are the owners of �
<br />�t 25, Block 3, Narth Rid �e Plat 2. • •
<br />2 $ t, `1 rv . �J�`�'.�
<br />�ward � Clark & Marilyn Clark, hu�band & wige, are thP ownPrs of :
<br />2fi, Block 3, North Rid �e Plat �. � $ .� �- � �_ . Lot
<br />Viotor Irving Sahlberg & Floren�e Lorr ��
<br />are ti1P owners of : Lot 1, Block 4, Nor�thnRid �elpiag' �husband & K�ife
<br />,
<br />°�- � � 4 N . ���,�.;
<br />William N1ui�°lin R�.if ;� Loi� Rierrenschneider R�aff, husb�,nd &
<br />the owners c�f: Lot 2, Block 4, Nortr Fid�e P1Qt 2. WifP, are
<br />2 � (. b � , �.�.��
<br />Donald E 5kyberg & B�tty A Skyberg, husb�,nd & tivife, are the owners f•
<br />Lo� 3, Bl�ek 4, Nort;h Rid �e Plat 2. o.
<br />z g s � ►� . r�'"�.°��t-�
<br />�SStT�I� I��.'
<br />CO�Ji�T':�'�� A�,S'.�R.E`���' CL��l�, .�52 �OUF�'I` T-IOi���
<br />S�'. I'�.�IL, .i�TI�,TI'�ESO�'��
<br />, - , �.
<br />:�.:,
<br />Z�'orrn A13C:-1ROD ZOhf S-r:P
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