<br />1.
<br />0
<br />OFF°I�I.��
<br />R.�IV�SEY CC�Lfl��'Y .�B�TR��T QF� TI'�L�
<br />fihe 1Tilla�e of Rosevill�, ig tY�e owner of : All that part of the
<br />E�st 490 feet of the 9E} of the SE�} of 9e�tion 3, Townehip �9, Range
<br />�3, lyir�g 8outh of C�unty Road C, exaept the Sout� 266 feet thereof.
<br />(�eorge J Reilin�, ie �he owner of': The Ea�t �/2 �of ti�e 9outheaet �
<br />of S�otion 3, Town�hip 29, Range 2�, exeept par� desaribed at entry
<br />#1 hereof, and exaept part platted, ae North Ridge Rlats l�nd 2•
<br />Lot 32, Saint Pau1 Park; a11 that '
<br />�►est�rly o� Le�ington �,venue and 9Auth of LakVe Joee�hine Ro lyin�
<br />8eot�on 3, To�m�hip a9, Range 23. p �, �'n
<br />3• William Albert Gerber, Frederiak �illiam Gerber and Laura Lyforrl,
<br />are the ownere �f : All tha� par� of Government Lot 2, 9eotion 3,
<br />Township �9, Ran�e 23, l�rin� East of Lexington Avenue.
<br />0�.1 �.
<br />The following are the owners of the Lots in Blook 2, North Ridge Plat
<br />1.
<br />L�urenoe J Forliti and I,ou�,se E Forli��, a�e the owraers of : Lot 1.
<br />�-- � � � �� 'i -�..,t.,t.�,,�„d
<br />�'or�re8t L Henderaon &4Ru�h�L Hend,.�rson, a e the �wners aft Lot 2,
<br />J s ; �� � D �l. �..�� .
<br />o e�ph F Wi�,l & Eether E Wied1 , are the ia��rs of : Lot 3.
<br />,� � C� ..2... Yv ,
<br />Alf M 8o�holt 8c Jurie A Soholt, are , e owner� of� I,ot 4.
<br />�: � ? �"�: .
<br />Nprman Peroival Gtaorlrioh, Jr &� Goodriak, are the owners of :
<br />Lot 5, t:� f �._ ,
<br />. �.-�,��
<br />Em�.1 9t�ve Osea,jnioki & Mar�.on R - oki, ar�e the owners af: Lot 6.
<br />John Cliffon� Lesoh & Kathlee �.�� t�� .
<br />„ he~ i��rs of . I,ot 7.
<br />,
<br />E�.win John Reber & Eve1.yn l� �'eberY�S �a�e�t �`������•
<br />ownere of . Lot 8.
<br />���a �.����
<br />Reub�n V Johns�n & Bern�ae (� �'o�naon, are t%e owners of : Lot 9.
<br />� �� � � , ��.�
<br />D onald. Muir �eCullooh & Beverly , McC llooh, are the dwn er a�f : Lot 10.
<br />� % � � vv , ):J-�.-� :� -�
<br />�he following are the owners of the Lots in B1ou�`k�4, North Ridge Plat
<br />2�
<br />Vio�or Irvin� �ahlberg 8c Fl�renoe Lorra3ne 9ahlberg, are the o�cn�r� of :
<br />Lo t 1. �-,� .�' �� r.� �v . �.�-�-�C�'
<br />�tilliaai �Qurlin Ruff & Lois � emer�achneider Ruff, are the owners e�f :
<br />Lc�t ?. 3-, �, �' � ,
<br />�:.�� _ �
<br />Donald ��kyberg & B�tty A��y�e� , are he o�rner� of : Lo� 30
<br />�'' �� .� � w . �-�•..�. '
<br />�N�lliam Louis Mertz, J Lorraine M Mert�:i a�,re the owners of: Lot 4.
<br />. �� s o �v , rr.�.. �
<br />Le�lie C Br�.okin & Doris E Brac in, are the owners of : Ldt 5.
<br />� ��.�. ,� . �..,.�� _ �.
<br />Ru�sell G Th�mpson & Beatrio. E Tho pson ar� the otivners of : Lot 6.
<br />� �� � � , ��ti�
<br />�'r�k J' F`x'anta & Elalne Franta are, the ownera of : Lot 7.
<br />� �o� � vU . ?�.,�...�..���'
<br />Leo L Book & Verna H Bock, are the e�wners �of : Lot 8.
<br />��'a ����� �� .
<br />�`O�JNTY .t�..�,ST':I�,�4LT CL�+':���, i.v�`� �;�U��T ��LrS�;
<br />p �T n� _J
<br />�r�. �ti,V �.�� 1Y1.ilV 1V.L`tk.`9� A.l'i
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<br />I�'orrn r1?3G1800 30A1 S-!i(�
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