Lot 8i Block 8, Rasevill.e Terra�e Plat 3,
<br />Apparent re�cord owners ; Junior Perry Tsicher and Margaret Romaine
<br />Eiehe�, husband a:nd wife, (as jo�nt tenants)
<br />I�t 9, 1Block 8, Ros�ville Terrace Plat 3.
<br />Apparent record owners: Walfred J. Arkol�, and Daisy Arkola,
<br />his wife, (as joint tenants).
<br />,��,�
<br />Lot la, Block 8, Roseville T�rrace Plat 3.
<br />Apparent record owners: �erle C. Grudem and Arlys R. Grudem --
<br />(as joint tenants).
<br />13 + Lat 11, Block 8, Roseville Terrace Plat 3.
<br />Apparent record owner: Delore� L. Philipp.
<br />14✓ The NE� of the SW� of Sec. 3, T. 29, R. 23, containing 40 acres
<br />�, mor� or less, except, Commencing at the SE corner of the NE� of �he
<br />SW�a Sec. 3, T. 29, R. 23, thence W� ?93 feet to a point on the S.
<br />line oi' said NE� as the point of beginning, thence N. parallel with
<br />the E. line of said NE�, distance of 165 feet, thence W. parallel
<br />to. �the S. line of said NE�, distant l00 feet, thenc�e S. ].65 feet to
<br />th� S. line of the said NE�; thence E. distance 100 feet to point
<br />o� beginning, except, The S. 300 feet of the E. 623 feet of the N��
<br />of the SW� of Sec. 3, T, 29, R. 23, except, E. 623 feet of the N.
<br />607 feet oi ;th� S. :96?' feet of the �.� of the NE� of th� SW� of
<br />Sec. 3, T. 29, `R. 23, subject to streets.
<br />Apparent record owners; Anthony J. Schmidt and �lizabeth Schmidt,
<br />ha.s wife, (as joint tenants) .
<br />15. The S. 300 feet of the E. 623 feet of �the NE� of SW�, Sec. 3,
<br />T. 29' R. 23.
<br />Apparent record owner; Wayzata Enterprises, Inc. (Minnesota
<br />Gorporation).
<br />16. E. 623 feet of the N. 607 feet oi the S. 96? f�et of the E.� of the
<br />NE� of the SW� of S�c. 3, T. 29, R. 23, subject to streets.
<br />Appaxent �ecord awn�r : Como Inv�stments, a co-pa,rtnership consistin
<br />of Louis Lipshultz and Joseph L. Dudovitz�
<br />✓
<br />17. The E' ly 205 feet of the S' ly 100 feet of the N. 12 rods of the S.
<br />72 rods of the SE� of the SW� of Sec . 3, T. 29, R. 23, except the
<br />E' ly 33 ,feet thereof taken �or N. Hamline Avenue .
<br />Apparent record owners; Lynn G. Barnes and Dorothy M. B. Barnes,
<br />husband and wifef (as joint tenants).
<br />18. Lo� 1, Block 1, l�ose Park, except the W. ?9 feet thereof and all
<br />of that part of Lot � in said Block 1, lying E. of the W. 79 feet
<br />of said Lot � and lying N. of a line described as �ollows: Beginnin�
<br />at a point d3stant 2 feet E. of th� W. line of said Lot 2 and 135
<br />ieet S. of the S. line of Judith Avenue, thence running NE' ly to a
<br />point on the E. lir�e of said Lot 2, distant 25 feet S. of the NE
<br />cornex thereo�.
<br />Apparent record �wners; Nicholas Orlawski and Virginia T. Orlawski,
<br />husband and wife, (as joint tena.n�s; .
<br />13:� A11 that par�t of Lot 2, Block 1, Rose Park, lying S. of a lii��� des-
<br />cribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the W. line of sa.id
<br />Lot �� �listant l35 feet �. of the S. line of Judith Avenue, then
<br />xunning E. parallel to said S. line 2 feet, then NEtly to a point
<br />on the �. Iine of said Lot 2, distant 25 ieet S. of the NE Corner
<br />thereof .
<br />Apparent record owners;
<br />Vexnon Carlson and Dorothy Carlson,
<br />husband and wife, (as joint tenants).
<br />,�
<br />j?
<br />�! - 2 -
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<br />