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C�se Na.. 61-56 <br />ret�.tioner: <br />Lo�atioa: <br />Action �i�ques�eda <br />Pie S. Tolstad and 3. A. Anderson <br />September 6, 1961 <br />(Roeedal� A�ddition <br />Noo 3) <br />We�t oi Cleve].and Avenu�, North of Ro�e�awn Avenu� <br />�see �k�tch) <br />Ap�x�oval of prelimitasry plan <br />Pl�ir�►ing Coz�ide��� <br />i. <br />�.. <br />3. <br />Th�,s p1�n wae cons�.d�red by tho F1�.nniz� Comarris�ion a� its Jum.e 7� 1961 <br />�eetin�. At the,t �ime it w�s '�bled. the pr��ration o�' centerl�.ne <br />gra�.i,e��s u� tY�e �t���t� �nd e��ionml c�at� per�a3ning to �orpo$ed public <br />,�ew�r. <br />Since t2�a►� ti�e th� develop�rs of th� propr�rty ha�e discussed �r3.�h �h� <br />p1�xu�ing, cr�r�aul.f�nt �t the Vi].�.��e �ll, the passibi�3ty o� c�angin.� the <br />lot p�t�err�. in th� �a��er1� Y�a].f af t� p3.�n ao �s to �cco�t� �d.ditiaaal <br />lo��. W� notecl �o the d��2ap�r �a� it ���c��iffies feasible �a ��qlaest <br />� u�3.nar v�,rl�nce ir� lat r�,�.m�nalons if e��nu�t�.�g circu�stanc�s -� ndic�te <br />au�h �riaz�e� to b� r�asox�ble �.n t�ruas of' �cijac�nt dewElop�rat� l�tio�. <br />�o�' e�fi.sting prc�g��y ]..�nes, lot p►a'��t�rn? ��c 4�e �i�.n�l giat� c8�.t€�i.ngd. <br />�am�e lot� ca�" froxat��� �rom 115' ta �.�$' a�,dl i� wau�. a�pg�ar �at sc� <br />aQct�t�or� mig�'i� be r�d� so as to cl+��,relop J.rat� mo�� i� sca2e �ri�h �the <br />�ae�t�iy� balf c�� the dev++�lo��t o <br />We wou7.� ca11 y�ur att�a�tian to a r�ug�estion no�te�. in �r�a�ph 6 of our <br />Juu�ae re�ar�� ���sting ��� x°e-a�ar�ng��t a� �.Q�� X�, �.5, ��d. �.7 so �� to <br />��o�.de canti�ueus frc��at �d. $ec��� �'ar lc�t� 1� �t 17. As not�d in owr <br />J'wne '�`��Yi repa�� o�b�r congid�a°a�ionQ o�' tl�� p.1�� frum �h� �:i�nn�.n� ��and- <br />�o%n� ap�x�d. ta i�� S�ti��a�ctox�'4 <br />� <br />