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� <br />♦ <br />Apri 1 4 , 1.962 <br />REPOR'� TO TH� YILI��GE COUNCIL <br />RE: Preliminary Plat <br />Tschida Obrasso Aills <br />R�submitteci March 29, 1962 <br />Gentlemen : <br />The topographic mgp Paileci to �bow the existing water msin osi West County <br />�ad C 2. Using the proposed g.rades as subr�itted previously, it appears <br />that it is practical to cause the grade on Maple Le.n� to procede on a <br />rising gracie of .5� to the east end of the turn around. <br />Sa.nit�ry sexer can be in�talled draining �estxard. to Western �venue, <br />thence �outh along t�e east boulevard to the existing ma,ahole on West <br />Co unt y F� ad C 2. <br />Care mu�t be exercised by the developer in establishiag the elevation <br />of the houses on Iats 11, 12, 13 and 1�+, Block 2, so that ba.sement drain- <br />age can be pro�i.ded. If it is intended that �he houses be at a lower elevation <br />tha.n the stree�, the sewer line should south into the existing pipe <br />on County l�ad C 2 b�tween Iots 14-15 and 22-23. If this were d.o�e, a <br />aewer eas�men� ahould be provided. By placiag a stub in the man�ole of <br />Mill�rood a.nd Virginia for Ivt 27, Block 2, tbe sanitary sewer coul�d. drain <br />north and the pipe between Virginia and MatildQ coul�cl be eliminated. <br />The general drainage appears to divide at approximately the cul-de-sac, <br />fl.owing east and xest for Block 2 and northward for Block 1. <br />County Road C 2 i� graded within the limits of trie <br />Cffi :mes <br />cc : Nlr. Frank Tschida, I�;veloper <br /> Comm3.ssion <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />� <br />� A�+'.� <br />Chas. H. Soutte , r, P:E. <br />Village Engine <br />