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� <br />� <br />� <br />DA�E: <br />TO: <br />FRCD�I: <br />�'iTBJ�C'S : <br />� E M O R A N D U M <br />April 2n, 199� <br />Community Development Sta�� <br />Craig A. Walc�ron <br />Staff A�.�.ocations/Inspe tions <br />A� we enter the busy season, with respec�t to inspect�ions, I have <br />�ad the opportuni�� t o d i s c u s s t h e f i na l s ta ff allraca�zons with <br />Rick rela�ing �o the �.nspe�t�.ons operation�. our staf� �aill b@ <br />a�signed as f�llows: <br />Bob Rosenquist - Commer�i,al ia�spectian�. <br />�ar�y Beseth - Residen�ial and HR,A inspections. <br />��►rtY Ha�svn a Plan i�e�iew mornir�gs and back up ix�spections <br />in the afternoan as needed. <br />Jon Nisja - Fire rela��c� plan r�view and insp�ctions. <br />5• �ike Urmann - Co�pla�ar�ts early summer with some fire <br />it�spection�, siid subsequen�ly iize ir�s�ections later in the <br />summer. <br />Addi�tiortallY, I have designated Marty with th� sole <br />respansibility �or plan review. �i�e res� o� y�u wiZl not need to <br />9e� ia��rolved ex�ept �hen Ma�ty �av_request a�sistance. <br />