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s <br />DATE: <br />TO: <br />F'ROM: <br />SUB.TECT : <br />April 13 , <br />M E M O R A N D U M <br />1990 <br />Steve Sarkozy <br />Graig A. Waldron <br />Mee�ing with Ryan Cons ructian <br />As I have pre�riously indicated, Ryan Construction is extremely <br />interested in loaking at project opportunities within the City oE <br />Roseville. I met with ICent Carl�on to d.iscuss the various <br />options relating ta the 35w corridor aa��t Twin La�c�s. With <br />resgec� to the 35W Corridor, Mr. Carl,son projected tha�t it would <br />be at lgast �ive years until the offic� "glut'� disappears and �he <br />abso�ptior� woul� Dae in a proper range to allaw a mul�ti story <br />office faci�fty �o mave foxward nn �h�t �it$ (this anal�sis cloes <br />no� inGlude �he t�ca�pt�re�� of a major tenant such as Un�sys, <br />�iewlett packar�l, e�c.). Mr. Carlsan also stated that e�en if the <br />�tse wa� mod�fied tha� would a3.low more 3ndustxia�, singl�e story <br />type deualoQ�en�s, it is his opinion th�t ths Twin Lak�s A�e� is <br />�the "ttat�er'� ar�a For fu�ur� dl�velnpm�nt. <br />W� di�cu8s$d th� p�ssibility oP Ry�n's capacity to take dowh the <br />�'win L�kes area �n m�jor sq���gatians. At this p�int fn time, <br />� Ry�n t�a� ess�ntiaily lo�k�d at gite� or� a ca�e by Ca�e bas�,� �nci <br />nc�t t2�e c�a�p��h�nsive �pproach. �arlsor� st�ted that the <br />compr�hensive ap�aro��ch is an it�tEr�s�ting conceptt ar�ci he would <br />di�cuss it with p�ten�i�l �ofnt v�nture partners. Nowev�r, he is <br />no� Qp��mis���,� 1��ged �on �o�servatisn� in the �i�►mnGial c�mmunitY <br />�o�8ye <br />In t�srm� oi my �aot�o� lfne ar�aly�is, it �ppe�ars kh€�t �rammel Crow <br />i� mu�ch m�re �ar��a�r�c� �o m�va forwa�rd �ith a m�r� aggre��ive ta�e <br />�o�ra� tY��rn Ryaa� .�s �b�e to cio �� �his �oint �ra time. <br />� <br />