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! <br />� DATE� <br />TO: <br />M E M 0 R A N D U M <br />April 12, 1990 <br />Craiq A. Waldron <br />FROM: Jon Nisja <br />SUHJEC'r; Pipel�.ne safety regulations <br />The transportatian of hazardous liquids by pipeline is regulated <br />�► ghe Federa� Departmen� of Transportation of�T �ode P ofi�Federal <br />Y <br />�h� re���a��o�� are fOlna a�ditiont the State of Minnesota, <br />R�egulations (C�R)49. �-ppS) has established <br />�h����� ��e Office of Pipelin+e Saf�ty ( <br />� <br />dditional r�equi�em�nt� i� MN 299J, These regulation� contain <br />t2�� followia�g basic requirQments. <br />1. <br />2. <br />3. <br />4. <br />,�c��dent ar spill report�ng• e�nd other co�nponents. <br />D�s�ic�n r�c�ui�`em�nts for th� pip <br />Conatguctio� of ��e pip�line i.�self. <br />P�riad�c �c�stfng �nc� inspection. <br />Of ��rt�,cular int���st <br />�p�ci�ic �c�gu�ations� <br />to trio City af Roseville axe the following <br />1. p��glirr� gfght�of-way �us� ��irrat�tHdw i 1 i g$ S <br />� f�ro� are�� �o�ta�.�io� �blic assemb�y (such <br />�uild�.r���, and ��a�es p <br />s�hvp��:�� ��ntcars, atc � a . <br />2. <br />� � tk�� <br />]. �, s�+�c� <br />d�p`�h <br />���a�l in� <br />��aOv� � � C <br />Cma�� �hm�e� <br />m�rst bQ bu�ci�d at lea�t 36 �nches beiow c�r�u�nd <br />practicabl� <br />industria�. <br />as the�ter�, <br />is la�a�ad �witi�in�n��ddition�l t�2 <br />��►us1� b� ba�riod <br />th� ��pth s�Qci��ed in �3 b�lowr). <br />bui�.di.a��s <br />�nchc�s in <br />� . '�h� p���Ql in� <br />��v�a� � <br />4. �her,� �hQ p,i��a�,�ne cros���e a hiqhw�y or r�ilroad, <br />�u�� b� in���►�1�� �nd d��ign�ci �ffic�thst�nd th� <br />�orGQg �xQ�`��d b� th� voh�c�l�r t�r <br />5 a �vc�ry p�P�l i�Q op'���tor mus � n pect on � <br />prc���durQs ��r t���ing� <br />m���r�e�ncy ��tivit�.�s. Th��c� procaduros <br />rc�v�c�w �nd �mendmQn�s. <br />th� �ipe <br />dy�r�mic <br />�nd �oli�'w wri�ten <br />mainter�ar�c�, �nd <br />� rc� subj ect to DOT <br />6. �v��y pipQlin� �p�r�atQr �,u�t inspec� th�of�wa�c at �� t�26 <br />on or adja��n� to ��c� Pip�lin� right Y <br />tina�s �a y��r (r�ot lass tharr onc� every thx�ee we�ksy . <br />it is my opinian that a <br />�a��� �n ��� review o� �h�se regulatians, . <br />i����a op�r�tor can impo�� requirem�nt� �orbidding the <br />� P p <br />