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� ,. <br />.� - <br />� l3ATE : <br />T0: <br />FROM: <br />SU�,7'ECT : <br />� <br />C� <br />MEI�iORAN DU�i <br />April 27, 1990 <br />Steve Sarkozy <br />, <br />Craig A. Waldron <br />Additional informati regarding modified tax increment <br />bill. <br />This memo is a fol�ow up tc� the previous memorandum tha <br />to you that was based on Vex�n Peterson's hear�ng notes,� I f°�arcled <br />the opportunity tca preliminarily review the modified bill T��'�e �ad <br />quzte slmpl�, we are extremel �ortunate to �.ave had ��e ' To put it <br />modify our districts and formulate the new c�istricts c�ty C°�ncil <br />legislation went into effect! before this <br />The new bill is bl�tan�ly restrictive. A iew exampl�s re <br />restrictions are as follows: lating to t�� <br />1• New redevelopment c�istricts lose LGA anci I�iACA aid s� <br />year 5 based on the amount of education aid ti�at ��auld <br />hypothetically be lost as a result af the �ap��r�d �,n�rem� <br />nt. <br />2• The redevelopment district criteria is completel cha <br />could not have developed �he �win Lakes �c��st�ict �we <br />originally proposed). �S <br />3• 75� of tax increment must be spent within a distri <br />substantially precluding poo�ing, ct thus, <br />4• Economic development c1i�t�icts are further in�a <br />particularly as a result o:� the fact that th,e HACAa a�d ted, <br />ramifications are ef:�eetive immed�ately. �GA <br />(All of the afox�ementiAned items beco�e effec�i�� Apxil 30 <br />, 1990) . <br />Or�e item that does concern me that I believe we can easi <br />relates �o the April 30 etfective date. 1Y address <br />of the fact that a number of cities were lt�ryingt �O ��Came aware <br />dis�ricts before the ne�, bi�� Wa� evelop new <br />formulated stating that all of the new re t ict ons a 1 S�t iGtion was <br />for which a certifica�ion request �aas made after Map ch�3 � distri�ts <br />before May 1, 19g0, Ba�e�i on the fact th,at �ve ��re ��r �1' �994 and <br />April 3o date, our certification reque�� was sub�itted oriking wi�h the <br />April 2. <br />These r�strictioras do not app�y if: <br />1. <br />2. <br />The City enters into a deve].opment agrement for a si�te 1a� <br />in the new district, ated <br />Bonds are issued to finance project costs� <br />