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� <br />PERIOD OF SERVICE <br />The services described under "Scope of Services'� shall be com lete ' <br />- •calendar days of the Owner's written a p d within <br />indicated under '�Scope o� Services�� concerning compl�etion of various� °r as <br />o� the work. (as agreed to o�� each work order) phases <br />� �COMPENBATION " <br />Schoell & Madson, Inc, shall be � <br />one or more of the fo�.lowing me hods f��plAas�e C�e rovided in accordance with <br />�,, �� ck the appropriate boxes. ) <br />..._ Lump sum in the amount of $ <br />. <br />x H(ourly basis at a rate of 3,o times actual salary cost lus <br />� reimbursable expenses plus la�. 5alary cost is d�fine � p <br />only. d as salary <br />� F�ourly basis as j us t c�escribed but not to �xceed $ . <br />� �ther � <br />Billings wil.l b� submit��d monthl,y. The owner agrees to pa all bi <br />�Q daYs of recei�in saane, - Y lis within <br />� In th� event that the Owner de�aults in payment, <br />the Ownex agxe�s �c� pay interest on delinquent bills at the maxim <br />allowe� by la�w� The Own�r alsn agrees to r�eimbur�e Schoell & Madsoruim rate <br />�c�r �11 cr�st� invQlved with collection of d�linquent amounts i�ncludin� Inc. <br />not limit�d to, attorney � s fec�s, g, but <br />Th� awner he�ek�y �t�knowle�lgc� tha� su,�iic��n� funds ��e c�xrrentl ava <br />�►r�c� as�ic�n�d �o pay por the cos� c�f serviees contemplated by thisya reeme��� <br />g n�. <br />�iA�ICE OF INT�NT` fiCi F��� �,IEN � <br />� company sup�alying 3.abor or ma��rials for �m�rov�ment to your real <br />m�y enfor�� a li�n agai��� youx p�Aperty if �hat company is no� paid for���e <br />�Qntribu��.on� o� labor or material�. Thes� ra.qhts lnclude the ro�ess he <br />d�sign, ��gir��er�,ng and .�i�lc� work provid�d b� our cc�mpany, Fol owin �'°nal <br />st�tutory notic� oi our intent, �o fiie a l�,�n. 9� is �he <br />�A' A.NY PERSC?N OR C�ME�ANX SUPPL,YING L�.�BOR OF� IKATERIALS FO�, T <br />IMPR�VEMENT TO YOUR PROPERTX MAY FILE A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERT�t <br />I� ��'T P��` �� �� ��1��'ANY IS N4T JPAID FOR �'HE COIVTRIQUTIONS. <br />iHi UN�ER MINNE�O�A L�,W xOCt ,H,A�� THE RIGHT TQ PAY �ERSONS t�HO SUPPL <br />�BOR QR I�ATEF�IALS FOR THI� iMPROVEMENT DIRECTLY AND DEDUCT THIS <br />�MDUNT FROC�i OUrR CqNTg�1�fi p�I�E, OR WITHHdLD THE AMG�JIVTS DUE THEM <br />F'ROM US UIVTIL 12 p pAYS AFTER COI�PL,ETION OF THE IMPROVEMENT UNLESS <br />WE GIVE A LIEN WAIVER SIGNED BY PERSONS WiiO SUPPLIED ANY I,AHOR OR <br />I�dATERIAL F4R THE IMPROVEM�I�T AND WHO GAVE Y�U TIMELX NOTICE. <br />LSABYLiTY LZ1�IR"��ION <br />The Owna� ag�-ees tha� ti�� combined liability of Schoell & Madson <br />Awner and an contrac: r , , Inc, to <br />Y tors and �ubcont�actors working for Own�r on the <br />project, wahich includF:s �h� work cantracted for herein, arisin � <br />negliqence, exrors, or omissions of Schoell & Madson, Inc. in the erfo m the <br />of thQ services contra�ct�d far herein, staall be limited to the total Qmance <br />compen�ation received by Schoell & Madson, Inc. hereunder or f all <br />whichever is le�s. Uwn�r agrees�.to hold Schoel.l & Madson, Inc. harm $25'000, <br />any liabili�y t� any o�her party from such acts b Scho less from � <br />such liability, when combined with other liability �or uch a ts to allno� if <br />parties, shall exceed �o�al fees for services rendered hereunder or ther <br />which�ver is less, $25,000 <br />