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2/18/2016 1:51:13 PM
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2/18/2016 1:33:47 PM
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308 At the request of Member Cihacek, Mr. Culver further confirmed that he had <br />309 asked that the city's escalator be included in the agreement even if Excel's rates <br />310 don't change, which Sundial Solar considered not to be problematic and <br />311 proposing language in the power purchase agreement that the city would never <br />312 pay more than the Xcel Energy rate. <br />313 <br />314 Member Cihacek noted that the only difference or unknown was with the <br />315 escalator and Xcel rate was as the type of energy changes and the escalator model <br />316 changes, and if that always stayed comparable to what the city would have had <br />317 before this agreement. <br />318 <br />319 Member Seigler expressed his concerns, admitting <br />he didn't understand the <br />320 proposed numbers at all and extension of the tax credits. Member Seigler <br />321 questioned the rush to recommend this agreement, since recent legislation had <br />322 extended the Made in Minnesota program until 2023. Member Seigler suggested <br />323 waiting another year, questioning if this is a good deal or only an average deal, <br />324 and whether the Made in Minnesota rant should be incorporat, into this solar <br />325 plan. <br />326 �.. <br />327 Mr. Culver clarified that the city was still pursuing that grant option a well, but <br />328 noted the differences in that program compared with this, and maximum amount <br />329 of 40 KWh, with staff pursuing that solar application for potential use on smaller <br />330 roofs on campus, such as City Hall, the Police and/or Fire Station roofs. Given <br />331 the size of This system, even with a grant from Made in Minnesota, Mr. Culver <br />332 opined thd it would be difficult for the city to fund on, its own and other than <br />333 through this type of power purchase agreement. Mr. Culver noted that this solar <br />334 system is considerably larger and provides significant savings. Mr. Culver noted <br />335 that two proposals had been initially received during the summer of 2015, based <br />336 on assumptions that tax credit of o run out, even though they were <br />337ubsequently extended. Mr. Culve rted that in talking to Sundial Solar and <br />338 wing held numerous conversations with other developers over the last 1.5 years <br />339 ould recommend this as the best deal from staff's perspective especially <br />340 si e city didn't have to upfront any down payment or pay toward the system, <br />341 whil ng an immediate return with little if any investment. <br />342 <br />343 Discussion ued regarding blended rates, current Xcel Energy rate, and further <br />344 review of the pread sheet; the escalator versus static rates; and other financial <br />345 variables and considerations. <br />346 <br />347 Member Cihacek noted that the power purchase agreement provides a positive <br />348 cash flow and actualized savings for the city in year one; with Mr. Johnson <br />349 confirming that the City would save approximately $8,000 in energy costs in year <br />350 one. Member Cihacek opined that this proposal represents the least risk to the <br />351 city, and for the benefit of Member Seigler, noted the only unknowns were <br />352 regarding the escalator rate and clarifications currently being concluded by staff. <br />353 <br />Page 8 of 20 <br />
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