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2/18/2016 1:51:13 PM
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2/18/2016 1:33:47 PM
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79 Mr. Culver reported on a new business to Roseville, Calyxt, recently granted a <br />80 Conditional Use in the Twin Lakes area for their new corporate office <br />81 headquarters, greenhouses, and outdoor test plots. Mr. Culver advised that this <br />82 was a unique company developing seeds; and one of the conditions of approval of <br />83 interest to the PWETC was that within reason, they not allow drainage directly <br />84 into Langton Lake. Mr. Culver noted that any site clean-up of hazardous material <br />85 found on the site or soil contamination concerns would be addressed as part of the <br />86 Tax Increment Financing hazardous clean-up Fund. <br />87 <br />88 5. 2016 Work Plan mulllllll <br />89 Mr. Culver advised that this work plan had been presented to the City Council at <br />90 their last January 2016 meeting; and deferred to Assistant Director Jesse <br />91 Freihammer to present the PWETC with a summary of 2015 projects and <br />92 accomplishments, along with 2016 proposed projects as displayed on respective <br />93 maps and as detailed in the staff report. <br />94 RV <br />95 At the request of Member Wozniak, Mr. Culver clarified that, while a roundabout <br />96 versus a signal had initially been discusst Fairview Avenue, it had been <br />97 determined that due to its cost of 2 to 3 tI's higher than a signal installation, and <br />98 since it was the final link configuration north of there, it was easier to install a <br />99 signal. °��iillllllllll�. <br />100 <br />101 At the request of Member Cihacek, Mr. Culver advised that it was too early to <br />102 make a determination on the delamination issues and impacts of sealcoating <br />103 materials. However, Mr. Culver reported that it was becoming more suspicious <br />104 that the sealcoating materials and oil may be the culprit, but since several different <br />105 iterations of oil types had been used through the course of issues, it was hard to <br />106 nail down the actua.contributing factor and whether or not it remains <br />107 problematic. Mr. Culver advised that, while continuing to observe the situation, it <br />108 was interes ' to note the parking lot stripping had not been evidenced even <br />109 though it was he same material as used on streets but without the same load even <br />110 though they experienced significant traffic as well. With inconclusive data do - <br />111 date, Mr. Culver advised that he was not confident enough to restart the <br />112 sealcoating program in 2016; and confirmed for Member Cihacek that sealcoat <br />113 funds woulOia be allocated to other mill and overlay projects in the <br />114 interim.����� <br />115 <br />116 At the request of Member Cihacek, Mr. Culver reported that the lifespan of lift <br />117 stations was dependent on the type of equipment (e.g. pumps and controls) and <br />118 their overall design. <br />119 <br />120 Mr. Freihammer continued his report on other agency projects scheduled for <br />121 2016, including those of MnDOT, Ramsey County, the Metropolitan Council <br />122 environmental Services, and area watershed districts that involved work in or <br />123 around Roseville. <br />124 <br />Page 3 of 20 <br />
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