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RPCA Attachment A <br />Member Daire further noted making sure children were not abducted from corners and <br />1189 <br />making sure parents were not parking in “No Parking” areas was a discussion for the <br />1190 <br />School Board and its transportation people, and suggested opening the parking lot to <br />1191 <br />Midland Grove for routing that student and parent traffic there may be a solution. <br />1192 <br />Chair Boguszewski suggested that would be an issue for the city’s traffic enforcement <br />1193 <br />department, not the Planning Commission. <br />1194 <br />At this point, Member Daire stated he would lean toward voting “no” and asking staff to <br />1195 <br />take a recommendation to the City Council to seek a study for MDR designation instead <br />1196 <br />of HDR for this parcel. <br />1197 <br />Member Stellmach stated that the majority of his thoughts had been expressed already <br />1198 <br />by his colleagues, and while liking the project itself, agreed that the focus for tonight’s <br />1199 <br />decision needed to be on the comprehensive plan and zoning designation. Member <br />1200 <br />Stellmach questioned if a traffic study would really address all of his concerns, and <br />1201 <br />having driven through theneighborhood earlier today and seeing the parking problems <br />1202 <br />already evidenced, opined it may be that any added traffic might acerbate the problem, <br />1203 <br />even though he was unsure of its solution. As far as whether or not to approve the <br />1204 <br />requested re-designation to HDR, Member Stellmach admitted he was still undecided at <br />1205 <br />this point. <br />1206 <br />Member Murphy stated he was prepared to make a motion; and noted that his first <br />1207 <br />Roseville address as a resident was 2240 Midland Grove Road, Apt. #302 back when <br />1208 <br />they were still apartments; and therefore he was well aware of the dampness issues with <br />1209 <br />the garages and tunnel going back many years. <br />1210 <br />MOTION <br />1211 <br />Member Murphy moved to delay consideration of the requested comprehensive plan land <br />1212 <br />use map changes to re-designate the property at 2025 County Road B from LDR to HDR; <br />1213 <br />and recommend to the City Council that the developer provide a traffic study of the <br />1214 <br />immediate area. <br />1215 <br />Mr. Paschke sought clarification of the proposed motion, noting that if the <br />1216 <br />recommendation is to table this request pending traffic study, it would not go to the City <br />1217 <br />Council, but ordered and paid for by the developer. Mr. Paschke advised that the <br />1218 <br />process would be that action stopped at this point, and staff asked the developerto <br />1219 <br />obtain a traffic study. Mr. Paschke further clarified that the study wouldn’t study existing <br />1220 <br />traffic, but only that projected by modeling a permitted MDR or HDR use based on <br />1221 <br />generalized standards, not the project itself, but based on maximum densities allowed <br />1222 <br />under either designation. Mr. Paschke noted that the traffic study would address <br />1223 <br />maximum densities allowed, and consider chances to develop parcels to the maximum <br />1224 <br />beyond the proposal currently before the Commission. While it as unlikely that the parcel <br />1225 <br />would ever develop to the maximum, Mr. Paschke noted that the study’s scope would <br />1226 <br />depend on the direction provided by the Commission and suggested the scope for the <br />1227 <br />developer include a review of other intersections in the immediate vicinity and identify <br />1228 <br />certain other related things. <br />1229 <br />Chair Boguszewski asked if the motion received a second, could it look at current traffic <br />1230 <br />as well and future traffic on a hypothetical basis, since it wasn’t justified that the site <br />1231 <br />remain undeveloped forever, but could include incremental changes over and above <br />1232 <br />existingtraffic. Chair Boguszewski noted that one testifier spoke about the high levels of <br />1233 <br />current traffic, and suggested different scenarios may prove beneficial versus the current <br />1234 <br />vacant status. <br />1235 <br />Mr. Paschke clarified that the traffic study models would identify a base line for existing <br />1236 <br />traffic on County Road B, the access road, Cleveland Avenue and other intersections in <br />1237 <br />the area occurring now; and then elaborate on the IST model projections based on this <br />1238 <br />proposed development. <br />1239 <br />Page 53 of 54 <br /> <br />