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RPCA Attachment A <br />Road B from LR to HR, and a corresponding rezoning from LDR-1 District to HDR-1 <br />45 <br />District <br />46 <br />C <br />hair Boguszewski opened the public hearing for Planning File 16-001 at approximately <br />47 <br />6:40 p.m. <br />48 <br />Senior Planner Bryan Lloyd provided a briefsummary of the request as detailed in the <br />49 <br />staff report dated January 6, 2016.Mr. Lloyd noted that the request itself was for <br />50 <br />amendment of the comprehensive plan and rezoning to facilitate development of any <br />51 <br />permitted use in high-density residential-1 (HDR-1)zoning district allowing for a <br />52 <br />maximum residential dwelling unit density of 24 units per acre. Mr. Lloyd notedthat, with <br />53 <br />the total area of the subject parcel at approximately 2.25 acres, a development of up to <br />54 <br />54 dwelling units could be accommodated. <br />55 <br />While the current concept proposal is for development of a 54-unit assisted living/memory <br />56 <br />care facility, Mr. Lloyd advised that rezoning actions cannot be tied to specific proposals, <br />57 <br />and therefore noted that the Commission perform their review accordingly and potential <br />58 <br />impacts of a 54-unit general-occupancy multi-family development, which would also be <br />59 <br />permitted under this requested HDR-1 zoning. <br />60 <br />As detailed in the staff report dated January 6. 2016, Mr. Lloyd reviewed the concept site <br />61 <br />plan, current comprehensive plan designation for this area adjacent to County Road B <br />62 <br />and Midland Grove Road, and staff’s analysis of the requested change in zoning <br />63 <br />designation and comprehensive plan designation. Mr. Lloyd reiterated that staff had <br />64 <br />performed no detailed zoning review at this time, noting the proposed development <br />65 <br />prompting this request remained in concept at this time without in-depth specific. <br />66 <br />Member Daire asked if the comprehensive plan was amended and zoning subsequently <br />67 <br />changed, what next steps would allow for public review and input on the specific project <br />68 <br />as proposed; and whether a Preliminary and/or Final Plat would come before the <br />69 <br />Planning Commission and/or City Council. <br />70 <br />In his response, Mr. Lloyd clarified that if this request is granted, neither a Preliminary or <br />71 <br />Final Plat would be required; and noted the purpose of this public hearing was to provide <br />72 <br />an opportunity for public input on the specific request, with approval providing the <br />73 <br />developer to then proceed with their proposal as a permitted use. Mr. Lloyd advised that, <br />74 <br />if the comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning are ultimately approved, the next <br />75 <br />steps would involve administrative review and analysis to ensure the project met all <br />76 <br />current city code and design requirements in the process and prior to any permits being <br />77 <br />issued. <br />78 <br />Mr. Lloyd reviewed the City’s planning file historyfor this area andnatural characteristics <br />79 <br />of the subject property. However, Mr. Lloyd cautioned that the Commission’s <br />80 <br />determination could not be based on a specific proposal prompting this requested action, <br />81 <br />but needed to rely on their determination as to the suitability of this location for such a <br />82 <br />use. <br />83 <br />Mr. Lloyd noted that the comprehensive plan supported or advocated for such <br />84 <br />consideration as it recognized more intense land uses in the future. Mr. Lloyd noted that <br />85 <br />the only caveat for residential settings was in the comprehensive plan seeking to provide <br />86 <br />a buffer between single-family residential uses and HDR guided uses. In this instance, <br />87 <br />Mr. Lloyd noted that the medium density residential (MDR) located adjacent to the east of <br />88 <br />the subject parcel could be seen to serve as that buffer or transition between those <br />89 <br />designations. Within that guidance, Mr. Lloyd noted that the current designation as low <br />90 <br />density residential (LDR) would not be considered as appropriate today since it abuts <br />91 <br />currently designated HDR parcels. Mr. Lloyd noted that the comprehensive plan would <br />92 <br />therefore consider this property transitional for land uses north of County Road B on the <br />93 <br />south and east to Cleveland Avenue on the west, especially with the significant roadways <br />94 <br />represented typically used for more intense land uses. Mr. Lloyd opined that staff <br />95 <br />considered the subject parcel suitable for either MDRor LDR designation; and clarified <br />96 <br />Page 31 of 54 <br /> <br />