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RPCA Attachment A <br />considerable time and funding to-date in preparing this concept and use for this type of <br />305 <br />facility or one of similar purpose. Therefore, Member Bull stated he didn’t want to simply <br />306 <br />ignore this concept as a possible use of the property over other possible uses if <br />307 <br />designated HDR. However, since the concept plan isn’t locked in, Member Bull <br />308 <br />suggested other potential permitted land uses warranted some consideration as well. <br />309 <br />Chair Boguszewski clarified that the ball was rolling on this concept use, and it was <br />310 <br />clearly the intent of the developer to proceed along the lines being presented here. Since <br />311 <br />the subject property is currently open land, Chair Boguszewski noted that a future <br />312 <br />imagined use will be perceived as worse than the current use, but realistically opined that <br />313 <br />something is likely to happen there. Therefore, while any development may be perceived <br />314 <br />as awful compared to no use as it currently exists;Chair Boguszewski suggested that <br />315 <br />provided development occurred within the city’s established guidelines it may be <br />316 <br />preferable to what could potentially occur. <br />317 <br />Member Bull noted that with the capacity for MDR development on aparcel this size for <br />318 <br />30 units, it could exceed the proposed concept plan with only thirteen staff and cars per <br />319 <br />shift and create a higher traffic impact than this proposal. <br />320 <br />At the request of Member Murphy, Mr. Lloyd clarified that road ownership of Midland <br />321 <br />Grove Roadand where it was private and public between County RoadB and public <br />322 <br />right-of-way for this parcel, not necessarily where signage indicates the private road <br />323 <br />starts. At the further request of Member Murphy, Mr. Lloyd also addressed jurisdictional <br />324 <br />ownership of roadways adjacent to the subject property whether state, county or city <br />325 <br />depending on their location. <br />326 <br />Member Daire reported on his consultation with the City’s Public Works Department <br />327 <br />earlier today confirming Mr. Lloyd’s interpretation of the public street going all the way up <br />328 <br />to approximately the Midland Grove parking lot entrance. Member Dairefurther reported <br />329 <br />that, according to Public Works staff, even though Midland Grove may plow a portion of <br />330 <br />the public roadway based on them arriving on the scene before city staff does, the city <br />331 <br />repaired potholes and resurfaced the street on that portion signed as private road by the <br />332 <br />first bend, but actually the public segment. Member Daire suggested signage should be <br />333 <br />relocated accordingly for a more accurate delineation of public and private roadways. <br />334 <br />At the request ofMember Murphy on state or county standards for the proximity of <br />335 <br />access for the proposed development and any issues with the existing Midland Grove <br />336 <br />Road, Mr. Lloyd responded that they had been asked in general to address the property <br />337 <br />developing as HDR. Mr. Lloyd advised that their response had been that Midland Grove <br />338 <br />Road was considered non-standard by today’s standards and would not be approved as <br />339 <br />it had been within standards in the 1960’s when first installed. However, Mr. Lloyd <br />340 <br />advised that neither theMinnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) or Ramsey <br />341 <br />County indicated any problems, even though they were always reluctant to support <br />342 <br />anything of greater density without a detailed traffic study of current patterns and how <br />343 <br />current and proposed movements would impact traffic in an area. <br />344 <br />At the request of Member Murphy, Mr. Lloyd confirmed that a traffic study would factor in <br />345 <br />proposed future uses, but noted a study may not be limited to only that impact. <br />346 <br />Member Murphy asked if the county would consider the impact specific to HDR-1 <br />347 <br />designation or a specific project within that category. <br />348 <br />Mr. Lloyd opined that they could most likely consider the requested zoning district and its <br />349 <br />density; but another option with density would be HDR-2 designation. However, Mr. <br />350 <br />Lloyd noted that it was hard to consider such a study since it was not being requested, <br />351 <br />and HDR-1 as requested would be used to inform any such traffic study. <br />352 <br />At the request of Member Murphy, Mr. Lloyd advised that the height limitation for the <br />353 <br />concept development would be 65’ height, but vary on the topography, grading required <br />354 <br />and type of roof elevation. <br />355 <br />Page 36 of 54 <br /> <br />